Is it normal to refuse money
I went to pick up my pizza last night and I was told they wouldn't accept my cash. This happens almost every time I go to pay for food, hardly any place will take my money
I do the same thing every time I wanna go buy something; I deposit all my little bills into my bank and then withdraw money in hundred dollar denominations. I do this so I only have 1 or 2 bills to walk around with instead of a big fat wallet. My wallet is still kinda big though, but that's only because I carry around every card I've ever been given, I mean been approved for.
So anyway, I go to pick up my pizza, it costs a little less than 20 bucks so I hand the guy my hundred dollar bill and gave a big wide smile to make sure he'd know I'm a friendly guy. But the guy at the counter just kept his hand stretched out after looking at it and said "we don't accept bills bigger than 20". I just stared at him, dumb founded, refused to take my money back.
It's money! Just open the safe and hand me some of the money down there. Why does this happen everywhere I go?! Every time I drop a hundred on 20 dollar orders I get turned away and I have to go back to the bank and ask for smaller bills or I have to take out one of my cards from my wallet. And I honestly do not even know what cards work and which are just mock IDs and frequent shopper rewards
Why do I consistently have this problem everywhere I go? I'm the customer and I'm always right. I have the money and they have the goods and services. For all intents and purposes I own every single person in that building when I go to buy something. You know what, I'm going to write an online complaint and get everyone fired.