Is it normal to respect your own feelings even if it makes you lonely

I have prioritized my own feelings being a person who is demisexual and never having met a man willing to accept how long it takes me to develop lust and that there are other forms of intimacy. I am a virgin for this reason and I am 27 this year. I've had relationships but I did rather let those men go regardless of how much I felt for them, because I respect my feelings. I don't want to sleep with somebody against my will. It seems like many people do sleep with people against their will to keep that person around but I could never do that. There are things I could never do in order to make someone else choose to stay with me and that has kept me single a long time. It seems many i've met has developed habits of making women do what they want, often through buying gifts and things like that, but I see through that act and find it insulting. A connection is built and tended to overtime, love is not a business where you buy someone things and get sex in return, well maybe for some people that's what it is but not for me. I don't know if nowadays it's impossible to find somebody with real values but i'm gonna wait until I do. I don't even know what is so controversial about valuing sex lower than a genuine connection and stuff like cuddling but maybe my biggest problem is i've used dating apps like tinder. I find it unlikely i'm gonna meet somebody out in the real world though seeing as I am anxious and therefore never smile or make eye contact at people, hence I am never approached. I want to be approached but I also don't because I might make a fool of myself by being anxious.

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Comments ( 1 )
  • bbrown95

    I think it's important to be true to yourself and not to force yourself to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Hopefully you will find someone more on the same page as you and willing to wait until you've gotten to know each other well.

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