Is it normal to root for the bad guys in movies

Why do Idiot producers and writers keep making predictable movies with same predictable outcomes...vast majority of all movies have the same 100% good guys vs. 100% bad guys...and guess what . good guys win. Boring. Understandable with kids movies like Walt Disney pictures...but what about the rest for adults.

yes...all the time 2
no...good guys should win all the time 0
yes...because these idiot movie makers are predictable 10
no...i like the same old boring predictable outcome 0
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Legion

    I think the reason the good guys win in movies is cause in real life, the bad guys tend to win.

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  • boy1

    actually a lot of BOOKS and novels have very interesting endings.. if you are so bored of movies like many others .. start reading .. it will be good for some1 like u

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  • thegуpsyfailure

    Because hollywood is a bunch of libtards

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  • Tealights

    Watch 'The Gift'.

    It's not a masterpiece, but it's something different and will seem predictable at first; however, it's rather twisted.

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  • thegypsysailor

    As long as people pay to watch them, why should anyone change a thing? The formula works.
    It's you who are not normal and there are not enough like you to make it economical to make pictures/shows for such a small audience? Perhaps you would like to see if you could succeed making pictures for folks who feel as you do?

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    • thegypsysalIor

      Hello new fan. Welcome, welcome, welcome. I didn't have one single fan post yesterday and I was so sad.
      You have made my day today though, and now I am happy, happy, happy. Thank you so much. Without this post nobody would be paying me any attention at all, so once again, thank you.

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    • muh-fuh

      I could try...u could get an exec. Producers credit if u pony up the first million...

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      • thegypsysailor

        Ask Trump's daddy. He seems fairly free with a million here and there.

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