Is it normal to schedule on your calendar when to do all your grooming?
I have a list of every single one of my grooming chores (eg. shave legs, use hair removal cream on my armpits, use hair removal cream around my anus, cut/file nails, cut toenails, use foot file, tweaser eyebrows, trim fringe, trim pubes). I then have next to each of these how often I need to do them. Then I have written into the calendar on my phone exactly when to do each of them, along with other normal things like doctor's appointments, work stuff and holidays. I have it all scheduled months in advance. Is this normal? Does everyone else just do it whenever they feel like it and aren't so regimental about it?
What really makes me embarrassed about it is that every time I look at my phone to check what's on my calendar for the day, I worry that someone will happen to see it over my shoulder and see all that grooming stuff and think it's really weird.