Is it normal to see flashing lights when blinking?

In the past year or so, I noticed that when I blink, there is a shimmer of light a second later. It's hard to explain but it's in my whole field of vision and very faint. I see it much more clearly at night since there's no light on.

Objects further away from me also appear to wobble at times. This is especially true in the case of straight lines. There is also a general 'glow' around objects. I got glasses half a year ago at the advice of a doctor, but it hasn't gone away.

I want to see if it's normal first before I go for a checkup, don't want to look like a hypochondriac. Anyone else experience this? IIN?

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 30 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • CDmale4fem

    I was gonna say, the flashes are due to a retinal tear, I had mine fixed about 8 months ago at the VA. I was seeing white flashes at night, it was like a camera flash but not so bright or intense. Now I am trying to find out why my vision went from fine with glasses to ok, but I can't drive and I have to have phone 3-4" from face to read it. That's without my glasses, I have to look over them. If I try reading phone like normal, it's a big white blob or blur.

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  • Iiin

    Only when i get off tv or computer

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  • notaterrorist

    sometimes I see a flash and become slightly disorientated and dizzy for a few seconds.

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  • Ellenna

    I have very similar symptoms caused by a detached retina. I'm seeing a specialist doctor next week about it.

    A year is far too long to wait to get this checked out: you need to see someone ASAP, especially if it's getting worse, as you could be in danger of losing your vision completely.

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  • Arm0se

    Get that checked out.

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