Is it normal to see shadow people
Well there I was in my bedroom trying to sleep but couldn't. Just lying awake on my bed. I got up from the covers to get something to drink and there it was this weird black thing. I wasn't sure what it was at first( still not) but it freaked me out. I turn around and grabbed the shotgun over my bed thinking it was an inturder. When I turned back it was gone. It was in the cover of the room a minute ago I thought to myself and couldn't have left that fast the door is by my bed. That was a month ago. It happenes more often than I'd like to admit. I went to a therapist and he gave me pills( no prior knowledge of a mental illness) but it keeps happen. Almost every other night now. I'm almost 6'9" and own lots of guns and this scares the crap out of me what should I do?