Is it normal to share porn on facebook and twitter?

Is it normal to use the share button on porn websites? For some reason, knowing that all my friends on Facebook and the few followers I have on twitter know I am watching porn (and what kind) really gives me this special kick while "doing it". My parents were shocked and have talked to me about it (I have them on Facebook so they see all of it), but I just can't help it because it just gets me so horny. Do other people do this? Help!!

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27% Normal
Based on 45 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • nicole_rodreguiz221

    What your facebook name ?

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    • AmberThorne

      I wonder... LOL...

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  • helpful_demon

    I mean, you can do whatever you want, obviously, but, if you're looking for advice, i'd say you should strong consider not doing that anymore. a lotta people are bothered by pornographic content and, even if they aren't exactly repulsed by/scared of/emotionally-disturbed by it, usually people aren't expecting it and probably don't want to see it in that exact moment. there's a time and a place for porn which, as a person that doesn't watch it, I can't tell you when exactly that is, but I can tell you this: I have a hunch that it's NOT on social media. hope this helps!!

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    • AmberThorne

      Well said, mate. Well said.

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  • MrMoose

    That's fucking nuts, man. Normally, people try their utmost NOT to get caught.

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  • Azaman

    Lol, that's dumb.

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  • SirChazwick


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  • hauntedbysandwiches


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