Is it normal to shit your pants in public aged 22
Today I had a sore stomach and felt nauseous so I decided to take a walk around my neighbourhood. It’s pretty quiet as the sixth form college opposite my house seems to be closed for exams.
I walked maybe 20 minutes when a gripping pain rippled through my stomach, I hunched over instinctively, but I am a dignified person so I pushed my back up straight, turned round to walk back to my house and let out a fart to relax my stomach.
Only it wasn’t a fart. The soft squelch of feces pressed against my buttocks was unmistakable. I missed a breath. My hand instinctively flew to my arse to contain it, but I snapped it back. Too obvious. There was nothing I could do. There were no public toilets around. My only hope of survival was to get home avoiding all contact with pedestrians so no-one would know I pooped my pants.
I whacked the song “People=Shit” on my iPod, yanked my trousers up and commenced the fastest power walk of my life, slaloming around dog walkers and mums with prams as my poo started bake in the sun.
The smell became stronger and stronger but I had almost marched all the way home when I turned into my road and walked into my worst nightmare. The streets were teeming with adolescents, the college was not closed after all. They filled the pavement, there was no hope of slaloming, and even if they didn’t know it was me they got a whiff of my sun-baked shit.
Please tell me your stories of shitting your pants to ease my embarrassment!