Is it normal to sit by the computer everyday

I get shit for sitting at the computer everyday but I have no job and no friends. What am I supposed to do exactly ?
I am recieveing some help finding a job and all that later in this month that program is starting so I cannot do anything until then ivee even been given the order to not apply for jobs anymore now becausee they are going to help me the way I need so not to do anything on my own. So I am waiting for this program to begin and until then what ccan I do ? I dont have any friends to spend time with me. I can go outside but what can I do for all day by myself. I cant take a bus to a place where there is something to do becausse I dont want to sit on the bus right now. Its not going to happen really. So what can I do ?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    learn some computer shit


    make powerpoint presentations about why people should have sex with you

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    • eww

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        so make powerpoonts about why they shouldnt have sex with you then

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  • twinkyboy

    i mean tons of people's jobs consist of sitting at a computer for at least 8 hours. so it isn't necessarily the act itself but rather that there's no productivity resulting from it.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    They said you cant find a job on your own but they havent gotten you a job lol. I could have you a job by the end of the day.

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    • Yes they work very slowly it sucks. But I heard its harder nowadays to get a job

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      • 1WeirdGuy they cant find enough people. Idk the starting rate in your area but if you're in the US chances are they're desperate for workers. If youre willing to be a delivery driver you can possibly be one in months. If you become a driver there you're gonna clear 100k yearly. Its a union job you have to be an absolute degenerate to manage tto get fired there.

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