Is it normal to sniff my own underwear after a workout?

Early 20s, Male. I've been on an exercise routine for the last few months that's been a mix of compound/iso lifting and cardio. I look and feel better than I have, so that's progress. After my workout, I'm sweating all over, so I go to the public showers to wash off before heading to school for the day. I take off my pants and underwear before getting in, but I always stop to take a small whiff of my dirty drawers, just to see what they smell like. I smell right where my ball-sack and perineum (google it) contacts my underwear. It has a strong, musky odor, and I read once that it smells good to the opposite sex when menstruating. Did it once out of curiosity, now I do it out of habit after every workout. Maybe it's a way of self-validating that I've been working my ass off or something? IDK if anyone has done this before, is it just me?

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55% Normal
Based on 11 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • litelander8

    I always smell all my parts. I think it's just to check and see what condition I'm in 🤷🏾‍♀️

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  • raisinbran

    When you shit your boxers during squats, doesn't that cover up musky nutsack smells?

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  • titelilpussy

    id love to sniff ur underwear after ur wrkout

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I think everyone secretly does this. Normal.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    In before people think its me.

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    • leggs91200

      It is like you are the "punching bag" around here. Weird things are said, people think DNM did it.

      For the rest of everyone - No, DNM was not the OP. A bodybuilder doesn't typically say things like "compound/iso lifting and cardio."

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Excatly right! Although I consider myself more of a powerlifter than a bodybuilder, at least based off what I compete in. Also I haven't done cardio in like 3 years.

        Glad you showed up in my defense leggs! If you wanna comment anything to me try to use this new account with the zero instead of 'o' because I kinda quit with my other account, I'm pretty sure I got what's called shadow banned.

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        • leggs91200

          Well in that one thread we were talking a lot, it doesn't say "old memory" so I don't know what that means but my G/F's responses are in there, I was surprised you hadn't responded. More on that in a moment.

          "Cardio" is what people do on treadmills at Planet Fatness while watching the Lifetime channel on TV and updating their instagram. I KNOW that is not you.

          So now here is the copy and paste of what I wrote after your questions -

          -What are her kinks?
          Without me giving too much personal detail, her kinks are pretty standard BDSM type stuff. She is not into bodily fluids or age play.

          -What are more common kinks for women to have?
          -How kinky are guys compared to girls?

          Kink tastes are case by case for each person. One gender is not more kinky than the other.

          -How quick should a guy introduce kinky ideas into a relationship and how should he go about it?

          Maybe after the third or fourth date. I mentioned that sexual tension should be set very early on. Her response was that if kink gets brought up on the first or second date, try to be vague about it.
          I (leggs) believe that if someone is into it on any level, they will be able to hold a meaningful chat about it.

          -What does she think about the best ways for kinksters to meet other ones?

          She mentioned munches, I said, "He is not really into the whole group scene, more introvert". She then mentioned there are sites for meeting like-minded but didn't go into much detail other than fetlife and collar me. Of course watch out for the prostitutes.
          If one has this huge list of local friends on fetlife, she is probably in a clique.

          My G/F and I are mostly introverted.
          Her and I met on an unrelated dating site originally. She had mentioned kink on our first meeting but wasn't real detailed. I enjoy the lifestyle but haven't had much experience. She introduced me to it.

          DNM, I tell ya, a lot of people are into things behind closed doors that they are pretty secretive about. However, they will open up to the right people.

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            I'm guessing it only says that when your actually banned. But I went on my other account two days ago and made two posts. Overnight neither of them had a single vote or comment. And I replied to like 20 people in the comment section and I still woke up with zero notices. Just to make sure, I went on with a different device without logging in and sure enough, all my comments from the last day or so didn't show up even though they didid when I was signed in. I traced it back and I think I figured out what post got me banned although I'm still not sure why.

            Anyways, I still get notified on my old account if people comment on older posts I've made or comment threads that started before I got banned.

            So I have already read your responses discussed with your partner, but just know for the future.

            The latest development for me is I'm getting on some online dating sites that aren't kink specific, which is a first for me. But like you, and your partner have said, a lot more poeple are kinky than meets the eye so I think there's a chance I find someone who's into it with vanilla sites.

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    • litelander8


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      • d0esnormalmatter

        You were about to comment that it was me weren't you? Be honest!

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        • litelander8

          Actually, no. But I can picture you sniffing ya breeches, fo sho.

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            Fair enough. I actually don't but considering what the people of iin know about me I understand how I'm a suspect.

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