Is it normal to sniff used panties?

When I was a teenager I uses to sniff my mom's and sister's panties, but now as an adult I buy panties from sellers online and locally.

Ever since I was about 14 I was sniffing panties, and I'm 34 now and I haven't stopped. Is this normal? Anyone else have a thing for sniffing used panties?

Voting Results
59% Normal
Based on 17 votes (10 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • leggs91200

    Who knows how common it is but I say normal enough.

    I used to date this one lady who was kind of a slut and we would discuss our past sexcapades.
    She said there was one guy who she would sometimes leave her used underwear in his mailbox and he would sniff them and whack off.
    He didn't really need to have actual sex with her, just smell her undies.

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  • jstancil1967

    Don't buy online but borrow from my sister-in-law and my wife's friends.

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  • Bennybro1

    When i was dating my wife a very long time ago . When id visit her home i use to sniff her mothers panties .then i hit jackpot i found a used pair . I did it a long time .still think of it lol 30 years ago

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