Is it normal to sock people in the back of their heads at rock shows?

Nothing rev's my motor up like heavy metal & a couple of monster energy drinks-
The mix of the two makes me go buck wild like a horse who just got his nuts chop't off-
Once the heavy music makes my head bop I know it's time to make other heads bop "with my fist" & when I'm done & the music has stop't I pray for the back of their little emo heads too heal up quick so I don't get busted by the karma police.

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25% Normal
Based on 4 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • phillipphung94

    People do some weird ass shit at metal concerts.

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  • aussiewolf

    what is wrong with you??

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  • It's not normal to be so aggressive. Relax dude.

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