Is it normal to sometimes hear words people say but not understand them?

Sometimes when i'm not used to a new person's voice, i can't understand some things they say and i have to ask them to repeat it like 5 times
But when i do understand it, i'm like: duhh, of course that's what they said; I *had* heard it the first time but idk why i hadn't processed it in me brain-places.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • You sound like you is smart. Using them brain places.

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  • JD777

    It could be that you are distracted by unrelated thoughts or by other things you're observing about this new person (like their appearance, expressions, intentions). People subconsciously check out new people in all kinds of non-verbal ways, and this would distract from listening to them. I'd think that's pretty normal. If you're worried about something medical, google "mild aphasia" and see if any of the symptoms apply to you.

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  • Redcoats

    I sometimes do this thing where I'll respond to something in my mind, but not actually say the words out loud /:

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  • dirtybirdy

    I'm sort of like that, but it's more because I zone out. I'll hear them but it's like a distant muffled sound rather than words. Then I snap back to reality and say what?

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  • Anonymous200

    Are you sure you don't have hearing trouble? I ask because I'm hard of hearing and a lot of times when someone tries to talk to me, I hear the sound, but I don't understand the words. Its sort of like a muffled sound.

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  • pixie44

    I have this same thing. Over the phone a lot. But also in person. I also have anxiety issues and I know that when my anxiety is high this seems to happen a lot.

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  • theseeker

    I experience the same thing. I often have that problem talking over the phone. It makes me feel like a complete idiot. It's worse when the person has an accent. I find myself intensely trying to focus on what is being said.

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  • Twickers

    What did you say? Can you repeat that?

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  • chained_rage

    I wonder when Julia Roberts will be in a new Romantic Comedy.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Oh, I can't stand her.

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      • chained_rage

        WHY NOT?? :O :O

        She is a woman amongst women. And that mouth, mmm.

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        • RoseIsabella

          She looks like a horse. Catherine Zeta-Jones is my idea of a beautiful woman!

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          • chained_rage

            My idea of a beautiful woman is Shania Twain. I don't think a more beautiful woman exists

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            • RoseIsabella

              Shania is beautiful!

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  • Freedom_

    I had this friend who talks very quietly, kind of mumbles, and people who don't know him well have to ask him to repeat himself alot, but those who are close to him understand him perfectly. So I do that with some people, depending on the nuances in their voice.

    But I also do this thing where I'm zoned out and only hear what the person's saying subconsciously and it takes me a moment to become consciously aware of what they said.

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    • modernism

      I have the same kind of friend. She leans in so close and I still can't hear her to the point where I'm just laughing and nodding my head, haha.

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