Is it normal to spend long amounts of time practise-acting?
Heres the deal ; Ive always loved acting, getting up and peforming something funny out of a movie or comedy show to my friends ect, Although i've never been in a drama class, ive dreamed of being an actor in a movie (Like a billion other people, but bear with me) Ive recently become fascinated by a character ive come accros in a video game, Vaas Montenegro, From Far Cry 3 a total Phycopath who achieves what few bad guys in Tv/Books/Movies can. Genuinly intimidating you. So ive spent a lot of my free time trying to put myself into his character and seeing if I can improve on it (Note- not around people, free time as in at home with nothing to do)
This isn't the first time i've done this, my whole life i've been doing this sort of thing, even practicing conversations i'l likely have with people I know so that i'm prepared for every eventuality( Like if he says this il reply with this) The question is, Do a lot of people do this or am I just a little crazy that way?