Is it normal to spend long amounts of time practise-acting?

Heres the deal ; Ive always loved acting, getting up and peforming something funny out of a movie or comedy show to my friends ect, Although i've never been in a drama class, ive dreamed of being an actor in a movie (Like a billion other people, but bear with me) Ive recently become fascinated by a character ive come accros in a video game, Vaas Montenegro, From Far Cry 3 a total Phycopath who achieves what few bad guys in Tv/Books/Movies can. Genuinly intimidating you. So ive spent a lot of my free time trying to put myself into his character and seeing if I can improve on it (Note- not around people, free time as in at home with nothing to do)

This isn't the first time i've done this, my whole life i've been doing this sort of thing, even practicing conversations i'l likely have with people I know so that i'm prepared for every eventuality( Like if he says this il reply with this) The question is, Do a lot of people do this or am I just a little crazy that way?

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71% Normal
Based on 24 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • ChaoticBunny

    Sounds like fun.

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  • I'm always acting.

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  • Jfdp

    Well hey what separates us and them is mostly just effort and luck right?

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  • millefeuille

    I act (or is it, play pretend) in my room. Pretending i'm characters from video games or movies and i'd talk to the mirror. My friends and family would tell me i'm pretty good at acting and should join the theatre club or something.
    But when my friend's have a class assignment video to shoot I cannot act at all in front of the camera.
    Regardless I still do it behind closed doors just because. Maybe it's like how people like to sing but aren't good enough and doesn't want to pursue a professional career because it's all good fun.

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  • Anime7

    Did I ever tell chu da definition of insanity?

    Seriously, Vaas really made that game. Honestly I thought the game was pretty lame, but Vaas was only thing about the game that I liked, he was a good character. I think that's actually a really cool thing to do, like pretend to be your favorite characters. All you need is a good cosplay and you're pretty much Vaas.

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    • Jfdp

      Lol yah im just a 100 % steroid diet and a good deal of plastic surgery away from looking just like him- And il need a good tan

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      • Anime7

        Don't forget that short mohawk. haha

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    You talkin' ta me? Are YOU talkin' to ME?... Nah, yous can't be talkin' ta me. I don't do dat.

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