Is it normal to still have a bedtime at 19?
The title says it all, basically I'm a 19 year old girl, and my parents still have a bedtime for me. Should it be up to them to decide when I go to bed? Is this normal?
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The title says it all, basically I'm a 19 year old girl, and my parents still have a bedtime for me. Should it be up to them to decide when I go to bed? Is this normal?
Some of you in the comments don't understand these type of situations because you've never had truly strict parents. This persons life obviously isn't a "fuck u mom n dad I do what I want" type thing. Anyway, if your parents are the type to hit take your things or lock you out when you don't obey their rules then just go by the bedtime. Your parents should allow more freedom but for now all you can really do is abide by the rules. If your parents don't really punish you and you have other options (like a car) to get away if things get tense then I don't see why you have to abide by the bed time. If your parents don't hit/punish you tell them why the rule is ridiculous and make it known you won't be following it anymore, keep in mind they'll get mad probably. Also, if you have no other way to support yourself except your parents or you go to college and they pay a good amount of your tuition that you couldn't pay then just suck it up for a while and go by the rules. oh, and you aren't pathetic despite what ppl in the comments r saying lol
I don't consider that normal, no
It would be normal if YOU had your own bedtime you set for yourself, that for your own reasons you like to stick to. That's just healthy, sticking to a fairly regular sleeping pattern.
But for your parents to literally still be sending you off to bed at whatever time though, at 19, no that's not normal.
That's just ridiculous!
Have you ever refused to go along with it, and how did they react? If you have siblings did/does it apply to them too, or only to you?
My father had a bedtime rule of 10 pm for me up to the time I left home to marry at 19, even though I'd been working since the age of 15 and paying board to my parents. However, that was way back in the mid 60's and even then he was much stricter than any other parents I knew of.
I'd love to be your daddy and make you my 19 year spoiled brat LOL
I know some parents are crazy for sure.
Yes, i think even age 16, as long as a teen
isn't out, taking risk doing things they shouldn't
than bedtime should be whatever they want as long
as their not running the streets doing drugs and drinking.
Any parents giving a 19 year old bedtime schedule is
ridiculous hell your a woman and shouldn't have no
bedtime schedule sorry but that is way out of hand.
How do they control this exactly?
It seems mightily unfair for them to impose such an unnecessary rule on someone who is technically an adult, especially so early!
You need to get a job sufficient to support yourself, move out and find your own place, hun.
I think you're too old to be bedtime dependent on your parents. You should know what is good for yourself.
Unless it's a house rule...
I dont understand why people think listening to your parents is so awful. If they tell you to do something stupid, dont do it. But if they say something like "Its a good idea to go to sleep at 11pm" then I think that is reasonable. Do they punish you when you dont go to bed at the right time? Or is it more like a suggestion?
So, okay. You think you are 19 and your parents think you are 9. Do you see the disconnect?
I don't care if you're 19 or 9, as long as you leave your bedroom window open at night.
Let me get this right. You are a 19 year old and asking if it should be up to your parents . . . You know what? You are just too pathetic. I have to bail here. Bye.
Yes. Your parents are part of your life and as long as you live with them you go by they're rules.
How the fuck can you tell a 19 year old what time to go to bed? And what 19`year old will accept that? She can't be retarded. Her post is too lucid. Well-written. So no. This is NOT normal. You are not helping her by siding with her parents. You should be ashamed of yourself. :-(
It's very simple. It doesn't matter if the person is 50 or not even related it's someone elses house and if you don't like the rules in place then create a contract or get the fuck out.
Hm. Better watch your tone before I gut you and use your insides as clothing.