Is it normal to take a shot then drive to your destination before it kicks in?

Is this something people do and is it safe? It usually takes like 10 minutes for the alcohol to kick in so technically you could drive safely for that time period.

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15% Normal
Based on 26 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • TerriAngel

    Megadriver hit it, on point.
    That said, texting and driving is just as bad.
    Whatever you think you need to say,
    It can wait.

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  • cupcake_wants

    I would say you should have waited til after your trip for the shot.

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    • That's what I would normally do but it wouldn't have kicked in fast enough. I ended up going without it though and did alright

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      • cupcake_wants

        You played Russian roulette and won

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  • Tommythecaty

    If one shot impairs you’re driving ability you may have other issues hahaha

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  • ToTheMoon

    One shot wont do shit.

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  • LloydAsher

    I mean a shot really isnt going to effect your bac that drastically, unless you are a light weight. But a shot really shouldn't do that much damage to your cognition while driving.

    On the other hand if you were drinking before hand the extra kick in the bac level could bring you over the legal limit and inhibit your motor functions.

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    • Yeah thats what I meant, a shot for me is more like a full glass of hard liquor, i just drink it really fast to have that 10-minutes later burst of extremely buzzed effect. i actually drive a little better when buzzed than normal, it keeps me alert.

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      • megadriver

        It keeps you alert?! It makes you a better driver?!

        Yeah sure, the drunk asshole that put a friend of mine in hospital for half a year back in 2017 was a perfect driver too... Drinking helped him crash more lightly! Booze is the best when it comes to improving your judgement and motor skills...

        Cut that shit out before you hurt someone! Drinking and driving do not mix! And this is coming from a carguy who loves driving, cars and will happily drink a bottle of whiskey over the weekend. But I never sit behind the wheel when I have had anything over one beer.

        If you wanna drink right, leave the driving to somebody else. A friend, a taxi, the bus, whatever...

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        • I didn't say drunk, I said buzzed. Also, if your brain is normal then alcohol will make you act more retarded, but if you already have mental disorders then it can have the opposite effect. It's like how taking ritalin when you have a normal brain is like Speed, but if you have ADHD it just makes you normal.

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      • Just because you feel like you're driving better, doesn't mean that you actually are. The myth that you stated has been specifically declared as false by authorities.

        Alcohol has a tendency to loosen people up and make them happier and more confident.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    I don't think it's legal but if it doesn't kick in its prolly safe.

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