Is it normal to talk to random people on runescape about how depressed i am?

I'm so depressed an lonely, I just go on rs and tell people im super depressed. right now talking to some mother in her 30s while chopping wood together, very helpful. iin. im also the one that goes to job interviews out of depression, sadly havent had any lately

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Comments ( 8 )
  • glitterpains

    I think you just need someone to talk to and this game makes that easier for you. They don't really know you and you just need to tell someone how you feel. This is a normal human feeling. I think it's good that you want to talk to someone instead of keeping it bottled up but I do think you need to talk to a counselor. Since you like to go to job interviews because you are depressed maybe you just like being around other people?? Maybe you need to feel like you are there that people notice you and need that connection with another human being?? Maybe try volunteering at a hospital or something of that sort if you are having trouble keeping a job because of depression! Just do something that will have you interacting with other people but that isn't mandatory so when you need to be alone you can. Goodluck!

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  • Ummitsme

    People still play runescape?!

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    • LurkerInMass

      Look up old-school runescape 👍

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      • thats what i was talking about lol

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    Talking to a therapist would be more useful than to strangers online, but normal nonetheless.

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    • it wasnt though, i already tried that

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      • Emokate

        If it helps you then I think it's good. I like talking to other depressed people. I don't feel so horrible.

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      • Emokate

        I talk about my shit life online all the time. It doesn't help that much either but it's better than cutting.

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