Is it normal to think call me carson being cancelled is dumb af
As far as im aware, all he did was date a 17 year old at 19
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As far as im aware, all he did was date a 17 year old at 19
17 and 19 is nothin. In my state a 19yo and a 15yo is ok. 4 year differences are legal.
Poor guy, its not like he raped someone or something. Drop F in the chat for "call me carson" and his content.
I haven't a clue who this dude is, but if the outrage really is about what you say in your OP, this gets a muttered, "Fucking Puritanical Americans!" from me along with an eye-roll.
I do find what's been going on in the States recently very weird. For example, while I think that Matt fucking Gaetz is a privileged, frat-boy idiot asshole with a face which begs to be punched, the FBI (the actual fucking FBI!) investigating him because he was bonking a seventeen-year-old seems ridiculous to me. I mean, yeah, any guy in his mid-thirties who hooks up with a girl/woman that young is obviously a cockwomble with his dominant brain in his pants, and the fact he did it in spite of the fact he was in a high-profile position indicates clearly that he's an entitled fool. But as far as I know, there was no coercion involved, and the only thing that makes it merit a federal investigation is that he crossed invisible lines on the landscape.
It does seem that an attitude is being cultivated in the States that all females are naïve, innocent children until one minute after midnight on their 18th birthday. That flies in the face of both biology and the current social reality, and it's actually demeaning to young women and denies them agency. It is true that some people - both male and female - don't have the emotional and intellectual maturity to deal with all the complexities of sex before they're 18, but some people lack those qualities until they're years - or even decades - older than that.
But many people like hard and fast rules, many desperately want to see the world in black and white terms, and social media very often is nothing more than mob-rule with people piling on this week's chosen target just because everyone else is doing it.
What I do know is that this "controversy" wouldn't be one in the UK, mainly because the age of consent here is sixteen. So apart from possibly some social media mutterings amongst our own few Puritans and a mention in the Daily Mail - which constantly tries to whip up outrage and pearl-clutching over the most trivial shit - it would be a total non-story.