Is it normal to think i should kill myself if i don't do well in school?

If I don't do well in the final exams, then I won't get into college, which means I won't get a decent career. I'll just have a shit degrading minimum wage job with long hours working for some asshole who views me as worthless. That sounds like pure hell. Doing that for half of my waking hours, with a large portion of the other half needing to be spend on household chores, just so I can try to spend the small remainder of my time trying to forget the depression I feel when I think of how my life turned out, just doesn't sound like it's worth living for. The small amount of leisure time I'd have wouldn't even be that great anyway cos I'd have very little money to spend on it because of my low paying job. I'd probably end up an alcholic if I ended up like that. It's like a nightmare or a dystopian future, like it's too horrific for it to ever come true, but it could. I probably wouldn't actually go through with it, but I'm seriously thinking of ending my life in September if I don't get into college.

I'm asking if it's normal because I find it difficult to believe that lots of other people don't feel the same way. We've all been constantly reminded throughout our 12 years of school that we need to do well in school for this very reason, that we'll end up having a shit life. I feel like this is the only logical conclusion to come to.

Voting Results
17% Normal
Based on 6 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • SmokeEverything

    School is an indoctrination factory. Get a guitar and travel.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    whatre yall korean?

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  • Mrown

    I mean, yeah, I'm thinking of it too and there are probably some people on here that do/did too but won't admit it

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    • That's what annoys me, it's like I'm not supposed to be honest and admit all this. I'm just supposed to keep quiet about it, like it's all taboo. I'm just supposed to pretend I'm happy with how things turn out even if the thought of it now makes me want to die.

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  • SwickDinging

    Maybe it would relieve the pressure a bit to come up with a back up plan. Maybe there is an access/foundation type course you could go and do if you don't get the grades you need for your chosen path.

    And if there isn't then maybe you could work like a dog for a year to save up and then go and do something else, like seeing a bit of the world by taking a random au pair or fruit picking job on another continent, or maybe buy a banged up old car and try and do it up. I know these ideas sound a bit all over the place but you get the picture.

    You can get a lot of pleasure out of life in all sorts of ways. Many people who go on to lead really exciting lives didn't have much of a plan at your stage, and those that did usually deviated from it quite a bit.

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    • I could never travel, I'm too scared to just take a bus into the nearby local city on my own in case I get lost. I have no clue how to book hotels or flights, or even understand a train timetable. I'd probably end up sleeping on the street and getting mugged, or calling my parents to fly over and help me.

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      • SwickDinging

        Sounds like you need to learn how to do some of these things. Maybe now is a good time to start.

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  • LloydAsher

    A wasted life is a wasted life. I would say dont do it. But you are in control of your own consciousness.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    So your a glass half empty kinda guy? With that negative outlook, its going to be a rough life no matter what your future holds. You seem like the kinda guy who never gets satisfied. News flash! Happiness and finincial success do not correlate much at all! I worked with a guy in high school who did 70 hours a week making food and he was always happy, funny and lovely to be around. Then you have my rich ass grandpa who owns THREE tesla cars and goes on vacation fucking every other week, but If you get to spending time with him, you don't get the impression that he is happy or enjoys his life much.

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    • It's not the money that bothers me, I only mention that to get the point across that there isn't even a silver lining in this scenario. Even with a job I hate, I wouldn't be getting a decent wage to make up for it. I could be living in poverty as well.

      The thing that bothers me is spending my whole life doing something I don't enjoy, how could I ever be happy with that? I can't choose to enjoy something. And all the while I'll be thinking of my dream job that I could be doing if only I'd have done better in school, for the rest of my life I'll be thinking of how my life could've turned out. I'll have wasted my life.

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      • Doesnormalmatter

        Learn to enjoy your job based on the people your with. I don't have a lot of expirience with this because I am only 20, but I did work 50 hours a week one summer at a pizza place. It felt like a ton, but I needed it for college. In the beginning, it seemed daunting, but I actually learned to really enjoy the place by getting to know some of the cooks and waitresses really well. You gotta make the most out of whatever you get, and also try to enjoy the small things in life like sex, good music food and friends. Its not just your job that matters!

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  • Its all part of our training. We are trained from birth to have severe anxiety towards not doing what "" society says, or not staying on the production line belt. Very sad that people will just take word from complete strangers, then set it in stone. What ever happened to the art of thinking for ones self?

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