Is it normal to think religions are close-minded?

So frustrates me when people call another religion close-minded. Be it Christian, Athiest, ect. How can any religion NOT be close minded? I happen to be a Christian but I dont consider myself ignorant or close-minded to other religions, seeing as I have considered them and simply have chosen Christianity to be what I believe in. The point is, we all believe in something. Even when you believe in nothing...that is a belief, therefore you believe in SOMETHING. So how can you not be "close minded" and stick to what you believe in at the same time? You cant. Who else feels this way?

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Comments ( 14 )
  • dalmationUntoyourSoul

    like several people said, it depends on the individual. i think people that are easily lead and close-minded would still be that way even without religion. they would find something else to follow blindly. some people are more succeptible to propaganda than others. it's because some people have conventional morality, others have post-conventional morality. some people probably won't ever be smart enough to make their own choices. this could be because of their brain or because they have yet to have experiences that open their minds to possibilities.

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  • justsomekidfromcanada

    The one thing I would like to ask since your christian is why do you need a reason to be a good person? I'm not going to give up my bus seat to an elderly woman because it's what god would want; I'd give up my bus seat to an elderly woman because it's the right fucking thing to do.

    I'd like to think that if Christianity didn't exist than all the Christian people would still want to do the right thing but looking at the way they're so quick to judge non-Christians as lost because we don't share their exact beliefs; I just really don't know if that's true for a lot of them. It just seems like we should be celebrating love, friendships and family over some god who we just sort of owe everything too.

    This isn't an attack on you. In fact you seem really level headed which is why I'd like your opinion on it. As an outside observer it just seems like a really weird way to live to me. I guess I just don't really understand religion. Why does there need to be a greater meaning to life. Life is fucking beautiful.

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    • Living4Him

      Well, this is another one of those things that really depends on the person. I personally, am not a Christian because I need a reason to do the right thing. My reason for being Christian is simply that I believe in God. Some "Christians" do use their religion as something to lean on though. For example; they will lie, be rude, ect. and then use the excuse "I am a Christian, so God forgives me." This is simply a hypocrite. &Though I believe we are all hypocrites at times, I believe that some are more hypocritical than others.
      I guess what it comes down to, is the fact that alot(not all) of people who claim to be "Christians" use their religion more as a reason to do bad rather than good because they use God as a constant forgiver and someone who will allow them to act however they want. Anyone who does this loses alot of my respect.

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      • Living4Him

        And also, to answer your other question; "Why does there need to be a greater meaning to life?"
        There doesnt necessarily NEED to be. Some people just believe there is. If you choose to not believe this, thats ok! People are people and there is always going to be people who disagree. I know what I believe, and so I go with that.
        Its not my job to force my religion on anyone. As long as others understand my opinion and respect that, I am not about to judge anyone who believes differently. Because my beliefs are just that; "Beliefs." Proof and belief are two different things. Nobody has any proof of any greater power. I simply believe that there is.

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        • justsomekidfromcanada

          Good answer. It sounds like you have your shit together. Just a couple days ago I was talking to a christian person I knew and she was baffled that I didn't have an expectation for the afterlife. I asked her what's wrong with this life and she told me how this life was more of a test than anything. Haha it just seemed weird to me to think like that. I guess it's wrong of me to assume all Christians have that viewpoint. Don't get me wrong though, I hope something happens after I die I'm just not going to try to figure it out in advance. I like surprises.

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          • Living4Him

            Thanks I try to see all points of view. Too many people let emotion cloud their judgement and cant have a rational conversation with someone who has different beliefs than their own, so I respect you for being able to do that! &Yeah, most Christians believe life is a test for God to choose whether we will go to Heaven or Hell after we die. I believe this also, the only difference is that I understand that not everyone will have the same beliefs, and in reality, belief is something that nobody can do for us. So I encourage you to believe or not believe in whatever you feel is right, just be respectful to other religions. Because religions are just like most things in life, nobody is ever going completely agree. &btw sorry I write such long comments lol. I'm just a really in depth person and I wanted to make sure I explained this topic in the best way possible.

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  • zchristian

    Im a Christian and im pretty open minded and im actually not sure if it would be right to call Atheism a religion since a religion always seem to have a god or well buddha isnt but still...

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  • Frosties

    Thinking about this analytically, we are discussing two separate things but the issue is being clouded because we're treating them as one thing.

    Thing A: What a person's beliefs are
    Thing B: How open-minded they are

    I think a lot of people will say that thing A influences thing B; that if someone is religious, it makes them closed-minded. The reason they say this is because we all know religious people who are closed-minded. However, that's an observation, not a proof.

    The only proof here is that thing B is thing B (logically, it can't be anything but true). To put that into English, people are closed-minded because they are closed-minded, not because they are religious.

    Some may argue in the other direction: that people are religious because they are closed-minded. But because the logic above works in both directions, there's no proof there either.

    Personally, I think people call others closed-minded when they believe something different. That's not closed-minded. It's differently-minded.

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    • Living4Him

      Agreed. Thanks for your insight! I enjoyed reading that.

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  • lc1988

    Believing in a god or gods makes you close minded period.

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    • Living4Him

      Yes. but doesnt NOT believing in them make you just as close-minded?

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      • lc1988

        I don't think so. The way I look at it, The Bible tells you what to believe and what not to believe. Those that don't believe do not have such restrictions.

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        • Living4Him

          I see your point. But I think everyone is close minded to something. for those who are Christians (or any religion), they are close minded to other religions & also those who do not believe. for those who dont choose to believe in God or anything, they are close minded to religions in general. We are all close minded in the way that we have chose to believe one thing or nothing at all.

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          • lc1988

            Yeah that is true for most people.

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