Is it normal to think stating love to a person who does not love you is wrong?

Is it normal to condemn yourself for telling a person that you love them when they do not love you back? is it normal to think that you are selfish for revealing your feelings to someone who does not share these feelings with you. Would you, out of guilt and wanting to do the right thing, unfriend this person on all social networks and tell them you are sorry and that you will leave their life forever for the selfishness you did? What if leaving this person alone and leaving their life entirely causes you to become homeless, would you still go through with it?

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58% Normal
Based on 19 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Sorry, you sound crazy. Why would you go through all that defriending and stuff because you told someone who doesn't love you, you love them? Why are you punishing yourself for that? Is this person no longer your friend? Did they make a huge scene and tell you they never wanted to see you again? Not one thing you wrote makes any sense at all, unless there is much more to this story.

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    • kayleeberry101

      How does it not make sense? It made sense to me.

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  • Legion

    well, normally, that would be a gross overreaction. there is nothing wrong with loving someone, even if they don't share that feeling with you.

    And nowhere is it said you have to love someone back, but his response was simply uncalled for. I can see why you might be ashamed of it if his reaction is to basically "spit on you" and just treat you like trash cause you had feelings for him. He could have let you down gently, at least nicely telling you he wasn't interested. Id forget about that asshole. of course easier said than done, but in time you will move on.

    He sounds like he has issues, even if you did get him, judging by the way he treated you there, I don't think you would have been happy with him. why would he take you in then put you down so harshly?

    please don't consider suicide, reguardless of the situation. I know rejection hurts, even when someone does it in the nicest way possible. ( Its happened to me too many times to count!) I'm sure if you keep looking, you will find a guy who will treat you like a queen.

    best wishes, Legion.

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  • kayleeberry101

    So basically, you're someone who lives under their roof and without them, you have no place to stay? Go to a shelter bro/gal, don't stay with someone if they don't love you back.

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    • i am the worst kind of idiot ever.....i was their friend, for a long time and i didn't know how they felt, and i felt safe and loved by them and i couldn't live with myself if i didn't come out and say something.....but doing this was the worst thing i could ever do. They are repulsed by me and they regret pulling me back from the edge at the beginning of our friendship.....i was contemplating suicide 2 years ago and they saved me and i have worked on myself since then, and with their help, i got better in touch with my feelings. i almost want to die now.

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      • Fall_leaves

        They don't sound like a very good friend if they're repulsed by the idea of you liking them. And anyone that would regret helping someone in their time of need is an asshole.

        This person contributed to your progress, you though are the one that pulled yourself from the edge you did that, and you can get through this as well. You've been through tougher times, this is one of those times, life has a lot of ups and downs but you don't throw in the towel over a boy/girl.

        And for the record you're not an idiot for feeling loved and safe with someone, most people want that, they want someone to call home but just because this person doesn't feel that way doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Hasn't someone ever had feelings for you that you didn't feel for them? Did you think they were an idiot for loving you or did you sympathize with them.

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  • CoraCook

    This sounds like a very generic question when you have a very particular situation to deal with.

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  • I'm having trouble making sense of what you are asking but none of what I could understand from this sounded normal.

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