Is it normal to think sui cide is okay?

Yes if someone is sui cidal you try to help them first. And if they get fine then thats good. But if they feel sui cidal for years then dont you think we should let them k ill themself? Isnt that better than forcing them to live and making them have babies the depression will be passed on. Survival of the fittest?

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50% Normal
Based on 30 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Arm0se

    Why are there spaces? Why would they be forced to have babies? Also, that's not how genetics work.

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    • rimjob

      It's the poster attempt to bypass filters. Yes this is how genetics work, at least in primitive tribes.

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  • CrimsonEye

    No. The sincere thing to do is let a person live. Life is short, let them experience everything. There are many people who have faced challenges much greater in the past and surpassed their difficulties or sickness without committing suicide. We call them heroes (:

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  • Unimportant

    Yes. Forcing people to live against their will is horrible.

    Telling them that you know better what they want then they do is even more horrible.

    By the way, I am pro voluntary euthanasia. Let people go with some dignity in a safe environment.

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  • emmaie892000

    No. If you let someone kill themselves you are basically facilitating their death. A lot of people recover from depression and are forever grateful to the people who helped save them from themselves. Also, nobody is forced to have kids lmao.
    And depression can't be "passed on". How are so sure it's a genetic linked problem?
    Whoever you are, you obviously have very little knowledge about depression, and nobody you care about has it. Maybe you would have more compassion if someone you knew had depression.

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    • Iamagirl

      "Having parents or other family members who are depressed can increase the likelihood that someone may become depressed. But even when depression may be partly due to an inherited tendency, it usually takes a combination of factors for a person to develop depression." -fricking Google

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  • 7114garrett

    If you're a Tea Party member, I suggest you find the highest elevation possible. Perhaps the ISS, so you can burn up during re-entry into the earths' atmosphere.

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  • billybutthole

    If you want to kill yourself, it is your right. We can give life to another but not even take our own (in the legal sense)? Surely that is not liberty.

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  • Nutbolt

    whats your native language? I too think it is fair, when we say its our life then we should have complete control over it, including when to stop living

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  • rimjob

    I personal think there nothing wrong with a person committing suicide, as an attempter myself I told no one. I feel we all own our own bodies and its our decision what we choose to do with it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Suicide is the coward's way out. Thinking only about themselves and not about those left behind to clean up the mess.
    Medically assisted suicide, after all the legalities have been taken care of and goodbyes said is one thing, but leaving your body in a room (or car or wherever) to rot for others to clean up, is just a cowardly act.

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    • westoptic

      Suicide is not cowardly, you actually have to be pretty fucking brave to go through with killing yourself, not even joking. Suicide is an act of desperation and most of the time is caused by an underlying mental health issue. People who are suicidal need support and intervention; calling them cowards is not a beneficial or a compassionate approach to a widespread, global issue.

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    • xdx

      Someone who is suicidal is not thinking of themselves. They are thinking that everyone would be better off without them. They feel unsupported or cared for. They feel they are unnoticed and their exisitance is more of a problem. They need support understanding and help by a trained professional.

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      • thegypsysailor


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    • Itsnotnormal1

      This person is a fat virgin living in his mother's basement.

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