Is it normal to think that a girl that's a genius is such a turn - off ?
Is it normal to think that genius in a girl is SUCH a TURN OFF? , a girl should be simple and smart within limits .
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Is it normal to think that genius in a girl is SUCH a TURN OFF? , a girl should be simple and smart within limits .
Why? Do you feel threaten when a girl is smarter than you and can achieve more than you ever will?
Ya I am the opposite. I have only ever dated one girl who was mentally superior to me. (not to toot my own horn, but i'm pretty bright) Anyways, it was awesome! Super smart girls get 2 extra hot points just because of what they have between the ears!
Really? For me it's a major turn-ON.
You're fine though. It just means more smart girls for people who actually appreciate them :)
The courageous man loves courage, the angry man anger. If you don't like women who have intelligence then....
Normal. I'm the opposite. I prefer a woman who is smarter, craves learning, and goes past her limits knowledge wise. Most of the women where I live are shallow, emotional, gossipy idiots who lack any kind of rational thinking and use the gender card whenever things are inconvienient. The girl I'm currently trying to pursue is considered a genius and she's nothing like the hollowed out females in town.
Sorry but I would feel uncomfortable with a GF who is far more intelligent than me. Evolution says the female follows the male, despite what's right or wrong.
Unfortunately most western women these days like a guy who is basically a caveman, as feminism has taught them that's all we are good for. The number of intelligent girls I know who end up with twats with tattoos who work on building sites is going up.....sorry state of affairs. Since feminism is obsessed with reducing men to the level of 70s playboy bunnies to even the score (that's not equality) - look at SATC for christs sake
You know, anonymous one I was thinking...a dangerous habit of mine..but I was thinking that you have not actually MET quite theexception. And while you may be belly down pounding your fists on the ground let me tell you the reality is alot of girls pretend to be less intelligent or not as smart only to make guys feel manly and boost their ego.
But u got some real insecurity issues buddy
Here's a lollipop to make ya feel better :-)
Greetings from teh fox!
Normal people are so predictable it annoys me actually, I consider myself smart I can use my looks and body to make a man believe what he wants, even if you met a genius you wouldn't no because some men are so dumb they think there plain Jane is just that
So you're never turned off by women then?...It was a joke, calm yourself, IIN community.
I like smart girls, but I don't like arrogant girls. Lots of smart people are so arrogant and I don't like that at all. Smart, sweet, and humble is the best combination.
Well, you like stupid girls? That shouldn't be a problem, there are plenty of them around...
Why are you so threatened by an intelligent woman? Are you really that stupid? Its really sad that you are this insecure. Let me guess you want a bimbo trophy house wife? Getting someone stupid is not going to enhance your intelligence. It just means you are going to lower your standards. It might make you feel better but you really are not doing anything. Being a big fish in a small pond does not mean you will be anything when in the ocean. Always bigger fish in the sea. So chill out your dick aint getting any bigger and neither is your tiny brain. Please don't have kids since if you do you will probobly make sure they stay stupid instead of encouraging them to help mankind.
I've always had a bit of a thing for Mileva Maric-Einstein. Part of that was because she's clever.
Makes sense. I can somewhat relate to that. When someone more intelligent than me comes up we sort of find ourselves in this battle of wits. Plus, you don't find smart girls sexy, its your preference dude. You not fucking a cow or your sister so, yes its normal.
I wish that I knew more girls (and guys for that matter) which were more intelligent.