Is it normal to think that christians shouldn't make fun of scientology?

I noticed that a lot of Christians (and probably people from other religions as well, although I don't often meet them) make fun of scientologists for their beliefs. In my opinion the beliefs of scientologists are equally as (im)plausible as those of christians.

What Scientologists believe:

A galactic alien dictator brought billions of his buddies to earth 75 million years ago in a spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. The essences of these people are still there and cause problems for everybody alive today.

What Christians believe:

A bearded cosmic Jewish Zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

Don't both these beliefs strike you as being equally batsh*t insane? In fact, I think that Scientology is actually the better religion because:

1) Their story is cooler and they don't tell you that everything is your fault
2) They don't usually restrict your sexual behavior or try to interfere in the government's business
3) Nobody has ever been burned to death because they disagreed with a Scientologist or tried to educate themselves

What do you think?

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51% Normal
Based on 75 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 50 )
  • shade_ilmaendu

    Except the cult of scientology kills it's own believers with some of their practices.

    The article isn't the best but I'm feeling kinda lazy, there's more good info in the comments.

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    • BSEVS

      And Christians have never killed anyone right? They are the most peaceful religion there is, would never wage a series of wars and commit mass murder and atrocities against innocent people, all in "God's name." Completely irrelevant argument, Christianity is arguably the more violent religion.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Oh my god, everyone replying to me here are idiots, go get the fuck over yourself. If you read my post right up there ^ I've said Christianity is far worse, but the OP tried to claim Scietology never killed anyone.

        They're all fucking insane, the lot of them. Now leave me alone please, I'm so sick of people inserting whatever bullshit they want into my posts when I literally only said one. thing.

        Take your goddamn assumptions and shove them up your ass. I am not a happy camper right now, I just woke up and busted my knee open and I'm just not in the bloody mood.

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    • Hoppy2142

      Im not sure where you got your information, but we dont believe anything about a zombie or any other shit like that, there are different beliefs all in christiananity, if you want to know the truth about our teligion read the niv bible not the morman or whatever crap that you said bible. Jesus died for us because we have all sinned, a sin is a wrong done, so basically he died for all the bad things that we have done to make this world what it is today, salvation comes through him

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      • BSEVS

        Well according to your beliefs, he died, and then came back to life, making him a zombie by definition. Therefore if you believe in Jesus, you believe in zombies.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        What? Literally all I said was that Scientology has killed people. O.o

        Idk what you talkin' bout, Willis.

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    • So that's a handful of people, and 3/4 of them weren't even directly harmed by Scientology itself. By contrast, you've got untold MILLIONS of casualties caused both directly and indirectly by Christianity throughout the year.

      Including, but not limited to:
      - Dipping infants in icy cold water during baptism
      - The belief that religious figures or holy places could cure illnesses, leading many not to seek actual medical care
      - Execution of scientists and scholars
      - Elimination of non believers through various means, including war and torture
      - Slowing down science for more than a millennia to pursue their own agenda
      - Trauma due to pedophilic priests

      I'm not saying Scientology is great, because it certainly isn't, but at least they don't even come CLOSE to the number of Christian related deaths.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        This is very true. I was mostly just pointing out that Scientology has killed some, but the crimes of Christianity are so much greater. Hell, they pretty much stopped all human momentum for an extended period of time in addition to all the people they killed. D:

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    • VioletTrees

      They've also assassinated people, soooo…

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    If you make something public, then you subject it to criticism.

    If only the most logical, rational minds on Earth were to be the ones that hold rights to criticize, nothing would fucking get done and no ideas would come forth... or at least, it would take many, many years. Why? Because there are not that many people that are truly logical, rational and reasonable thinkers.

    And no, you're not it. Yes, you. Yes. YOU. Get an education and a job or some shit before you back yourself up on this one. You've got a double digit odometer at best. I'm serious. You know who you are. Stop it.

    Anyway, back to my original point, if it's public, we have the right to criticize it so why not? If no one ever criticized anything because their beliefs were deemed to be equally stupid then bullshit would happen more frequently and go unchecked more frequently.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I couldn't agree more!

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    • bristexai

      What's with the middle paragraph?

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        You heard me =.= All of you.

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        • bristexai

          And no, you're not it. Yes, you. Yes. YOU. Get an education and a job or some shit before you back yourself up on this one. You've got a double digit odometer at best. I'm serious. You know who you are. Stop it.

          I was talking about ^^^^^

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            I am aware of what a middle paragraph is. Unless it offends you, don't worry about it.

            If it offends you, then stop it. Now.

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  • VioletTrees

    Uh, Scientology is a cult. They've killed people. They've destroyed government documents. They've had operations trying to get people committed to mental hospitals. IT'S NOT THE SAME THING.

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    • Christianity has done all of those things for a much, much longer period of time and on a much, much larger scale.

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  • Faceless

    Any religion has no right to make fun of any other religion period.

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    • VioletTrees

      Scientology isn't a religion, though, it's a dangerous cult.

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      • But then what exactly is the difference between a cult and a religion? A cult is defined as "a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister." So there you have it. The only difference between Christianity and Scientology is that the former has been around longer and is much larger. If Scientologists were as numerous as Christians are today, Scientology wouldn't be considered "strange or sinister" because 33% of the WHOLE planet would be following the SAME ideas.

        As you might recall, Jesus got a pretty rough press in Jerusalem when he started out: he was condemned to crucifixion because he opposed the dominant religion and they accused him of being a cult leader. Now that christianity is dominant, people think that Christian beliefs make much more sense than Scientologist ones.

        I'm not trying to say that Scientology is great, far from it. But it annoys me that people stop thinking about their beliefs and how strange they really are just because everyone around them shares the same opinions.

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  • Wendell

    Everyone should make fun of Scientology why exclude Christians from the fun

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  • Everyone knows that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the One True Living God. Why even debate other theocracies?

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      If you want me to talk any more about this I'm gonna need to go get my holy robes.

      *comes back dressed as a pirate*

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      • Ah...another Pastafarian! Hail his noodliness...
        ...and go to Krispy Kreme.


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        • NeuroNeptunian

          I dated a guy who was a Rastafarian and I called it Pastafarmian. Or I referred to him as a Pasta farmer and acted like it was the actual term and I was just ignorant of the actual name.

          It brought me lulz. When we got into fights I told him "GO BACK TO PASTA FARMING YOU FAG!".

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  • KeddersPrincess

    What is with all the Christian hate on this site?

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    • BluntsRolled

      We don't hate Christians, just Christianity.

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      • myboyfriendsbitch

        But... Shouldn't we hate the Christians and not the christianity? I'm confused. It's the people who destroyed the ideas, not the ideas who destroyed the people.

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        • NeuroNeptunian

          You ma'am, get a thumbs up for your intelligence.

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        • BluntsRolled

          Why hate people? Especially for something that's been shoved down their throats since birth, how are they supposed to know any better?

          Besides if you took away Christianity, there would be no Christians to hate.

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    • bristexai

      I don't know, it's SICKENING.

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  • Goosfraba....Goosfraba....Goosfraba.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    For 2) and 3) -

    Those are things people do/have done- not thereligion itself. There is no law against premarital sex in christianity. And burning witches was just a bad phase for humanity, as were most phases.

    The Bible actually makes sense, although it has it's contradictions (but, shit, look how long and old it is). And it was ahead of it's time in knowledge, as were most things of the past, it seems.

    What you are referring to are the myths, metaphorical ways of understanding that which cannot be understood.

    Scientology = science fiction

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    YOU don't like both of them so THEY can't judge each other??? Because they should know that you are right and they are stupid. What a childish egocentric perspective.

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  • Devlinjones

    Scientology denies that depression is real and they mess people up
    That way. I know people who went off meds and it was a bad scene

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  • Nobody has ever been burned to death because they disagreed with a Scientologist or tried to educate themselves... Yet.

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  • WhiteCrow

    Errrr, no zombies are in the bible. There are angels, spirits, people who come back as they were. But no zombies. Most science is fake. How in the world could the Earth exist. Don't say the BigBangTherory because a bang would make things go byebye.
    Also, if there are aliens, how could they be made.
    Animals, bacteria, plants could exist. There.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Scientology? Is that an american thing?

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  • TruthsetsUfree

    The Bible is the living word of God, and is of His un-understandable wisdom. If that was a word? My point is, people come up with all kinds of crazy ideas and beliefs, you name it, we have come up with it. And that is the problem. We try to explain to our selves something that is too big for us to understand. God's word is basic, and explains the very thing which we are talking about. But in order for anyone to understand it, we need to start with faith. Faith that what is written in the Bible is truly of God. There is more historical and scientific evidence strengthening the claims of the Bible then there are for any other text based religion. The places mentioned are actual places found on Earth, there are more records of the Kings, Kingdoms, events and geographical areas mentioned in the Bible, than there are with any other belief system. The events which are supernatural in nature, which require an amount of faith to understand, can not be proven or dis-proven. Human constructed beliefs are full of faults, as we are, and cannot explain things as clearly as how God can explain things. But we are still too damn proud, and just have to make our own path to the truth. God is not the author of confusion, that is Satan's job--to mislead as many people as possible before he is permanently dealt with. I pray that all who read this, are not mislead, and continue to seek out the truth, and that you find it. We cannot rely on our understanding of these things, we are bias, our pride blinds us from the truth, Satan has convinced us that we can be like God, and that our life is our life with no consequences. Time is short, not only for you individually, but for the very existence of life on this cursed Earth. Don't be satisfied with what a human tells you, seek the truth found in God's word, that is our only hope!

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    It is irony at it's most raw. I sometimes stand in disbelief when my Catholic friends make fun of Islam for "radical" beliefs. I am an atheist, but I was raised Catholic and Christianity is one of the most ridiculous religions there is in my opinion.

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  • Short4Words

    You're thoughts on Christianity are a bit peculiar, and flat out wrong to be honest but you have a point. Christ is not a man anymore but a spirit, part of the Godhead, or trinity I guess. A lot of people I gather aren't convicted by stories like Adam and Eve if they're false or not, but are convicted by an external force they can't entirely explain, but inevitably lines up with the word of God. This is why you have religious people, to some it's doctrines and principles, to others like myself, I follow love, I seek it, try to give it and to have shame when I bring hate into the world instead.

    I don't go out of the way to make fun of them, but I fake-laugh at people's jokes. Maybe that's not being honest or fair, but then again, if I believe, or know I have the truth, am I a worse person for not deconstructing what I believe or know to be a false religion?

    I realize that I have to try to understand more, and take it less to heart, when someone bashes Christianity, for the wrong reasons, but it's somewhat hard for me because up until now I have pretty much been agnostic. I think it's fair to assess the point of something like reincarnation in the Universe.

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  • robbieforgotpw


    Is evolution any less odd? Somehow over billions of years, single-celled organisms evolved into intelligent humans beings with reasoning ability.
    There were no human genes in that "amoeba"; no human genes in the gene pool at all so a human could not have evolved from it.

    You atheists cannot dispute that we didn't create ourselves, so Who did?
    An all powerful Creator, God.

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  • DustinZ35

    I couldn't agree more with the OP. Christianity, Islam, etc. are ALL just as ridiculous as Scientology. I like the way you stated that, too...a very good summary. A jealous, spiteful, vengeful, narcissistic god who was pissed off at his pets because one of them got duped by a snake into eating an apple and heriting on some mysterious corruption to the rest of his pets decided as a last resort to impregnate one of his pets with his "son" (which according to the trinity is actually god himself). This son (read: god himself) went on to live like a mortal for many years showing off his godly powers by walking on water, dicing fish, and turning mere water into booze (I'd like to learn that trick). Subsequently, said god was captured, tortured, and nailed to a wooden post (effectively committing suicide because of that omniscience thing), kept in a state of suspended animation for two days only to be resurrected and magically ascend into heaven for all eternity and lavished with the worship of many millions of his pets. This bizarre split-personality suicide of sorts for some weird reason redeems god's pets with one caveat: they must go out of their mind lavishing worship and gratitude believing without question god killed himself for them because one of their ancestors ate an apple through no fault of their own OR they are condemned forever to indescribably merciless torment in some unfathomable torture chamber. If that isn't insanity, I don't know what is.

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  • Sia327

    Every religion and faith is equally as important and should be respected even if one disagrees with the religions views. Faith is a beautiful thing so don't offend anyone no matter what you believe.

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  • bristexai

    I'm not offended, I was confused. And don't tell me what to do.

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  • can'tthinkofaname

    I laughed reading this :D

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  • kittylitter101

    You're very right. If you really think about it, Christianity is kind of a cult.
    No one who has religion should judge anyone else with religion. That is a right that should only be given to those who aren't religious!

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  • 7udv8

    It would be harder to make fun of Scientology if it didn't read like a half-assed science fiction story.

    Oh and it would help if the founder didn't state that you could make more money from starting a religion than writing books.

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    • He's right though, look at all the resplendent gold palaces in the vatican, and the televangelists who make their fortunes with prayer. Religion gets you the megabucks.

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  • dappled

    Very naughty. :P

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