Is it normal to think that it's straighter to be gay?

It's straighter to be gay or lesbian in most cases because if you're a man, you should hypothetically like masculine things, whereas if you're a woman, you would normally like feminine things. This means that gay men are actually straighter than their heterosexual counterparts, because they like men, who are manlier than women. If you are a man and you like women, you basically like having sex with something soft, pretty, and delicate. If you are homosexual, you like something big and strong. It's manlier to fuck another man, especially if you dominate him, because while any Tom, Dick, or Harry can 'be the man' around a woman, so to speak, you really gotta work for that to be the case in a gay relationship. You are a man asserting his manliness by dominating another man, and that's pretty manly.

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20% Normal
Based on 10 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    What do you make of bisexuals? XD

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  • Willybob2

    I don't concentrate on whether it's manly or not when a guy is inside me. I concentrate on the pleasure he is receiving (as well as mine).

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    • Iambillythemenacetosociety

      Like that ever even happened.🤣

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  • MyZephyr

    Manly or not, being fucked by another guy is a pretty fine thing.
    Cock sucking is also a good way to spend an evening.

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  • Tinybird

    That makes no sense

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  • RoseIsabella

    Smells like troll up in here.

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    • Smells like a lot of incredibly straight sex between two men on my end of things. No homo.

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  • KholatKhult

    One of the little monkeys that shuffles files around in my brain is queer
    If he helped me choose tile for my bathroom I wouldn’t mind it but he just wants to watch Top Gun and follow Canadian politics

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    • Don't fool yourself, he's just trying to catch a glimpse of Trudeau's bulge.

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  • jackstormwater

    No, because it’s well established that the masculinity and femininity of interests are typically reversed when it comes to sexuality

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Manly to me is being strong, having leadership ability, not deciding things with emotions, being competitive, doing whats right, putting off masculine vibes, not bein afraid to stand up for unpopular things if its the right thing, makin ppl feel good, etc, etc. A good example of a manly dude is actuallg Andy Griffith LOL.

    Being manly has very little to do with dominating someone. That can more times than not be a sign of a insecure man actually. Ya know, if he feels the need to dominate to prove his worth.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Also nothing is manly about getting on your knees to suck a man off. Then bending over and getting your intestines ravaged by some girly talkin dude. Its not manly. They try to talk and move like females.

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