Is it normal to think that my friend is just a double of himself?

Years ago, my friend and I entered into the restroom at a local Best Buy. I remember talking with him while we pissed, but something strange happened, in that I somehow lost track of him in the restroom, and he seemed to come out much faster than I anticipated. For some reason, it struck me as so bizarre that for a split second, I concluded that he must be a double of my friend, a carbon copy and that my real friend might have been sent into another dimension, or worse, might still be trapped in that restroom somehow. I know it sounds absurd and I myself think of it as being an irrational fear, but I just can't shake the feeling. I always feel guilty about that restroom, regardless of whatever Occam's razor tells me about this situation, and I sometimes avoid the restroom at Best Buy, just for safety reasons. Every time I see him, this thought invades my well-being.

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24% Normal
Based on 67 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • handsignals

    'The Restroom at Best Buy'

    sounds like a cool movie.

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  • squirrelgirl

    There's a name for this kind of fear, but I can't think of it right now. But trust me, you're not alone.

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  • xtreemgamer129

    This reminds me of the old generations of videogames where they could hide a secret door to a science lab or something anywhere and you wouldn't know it was there until you pressed the activation button at random. Maybe your friend flushed the toilet and was replaced by a clone made from his piss.

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  • LyeByMistake

    Yeah its normal I love squeazing my pecks on girls boobs, love it xD

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  • brosapien

    Run before they realize you found out!

    The lizard people are among us!!!

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  • Avant-Garde

    Maybe, in his mother's room were twins and somewhere along the line, he ended up absorbing his twin. If the truth this be, this would make him a genetic chimera.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    This is trippy, I had this same experience two years ago. My aunt entered a bathroom at Target and she came out too quickly as well. When she came back up to me, she didn't smile or act like she normally does. We walked outside and she asked me where we parked the car. Is that where they're hiding the wormholes??

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    • Cuntsiclestick

      Why do sandwiches haunt you?

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      • shuggy-chan

        this sammich

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        • Cuntsiclestick

          For some reason the people I see at Walmart came to mind when I saw that pic.

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          • shuggy-chan

            pig poo balls = walmart, i can see it

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            • Cuntsiclestick

              The things I've seen at Walmart are way grosser than pig poo balls, but the prices are so low that I keep coming back to the madness.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        I don't know man, it's scary.

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