Is it normal to think that my friend is just a double of himself?
Years ago, my friend and I entered into the restroom at a local Best Buy. I remember talking with him while we pissed, but something strange happened, in that I somehow lost track of him in the restroom, and he seemed to come out much faster than I anticipated. For some reason, it struck me as so bizarre that for a split second, I concluded that he must be a double of my friend, a carbon copy and that my real friend might have been sent into another dimension, or worse, might still be trapped in that restroom somehow. I know it sounds absurd and I myself think of it as being an irrational fear, but I just can't shake the feeling. I always feel guilty about that restroom, regardless of whatever Occam's razor tells me about this situation, and I sometimes avoid the restroom at Best Buy, just for safety reasons. Every time I see him, this thought invades my well-being.