Is it normal to think that my house is haunted?

Ok so in my house in my kitchen the other night, i was cleaning and 2 plates fell, they weren't near the edge and i am thinking if my house might be haunted, but i could be wrong.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • objectwillingmotion

    No such thing. Its literally a figment of your imagination.

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  • iEatZombies_

    If that's the only thing that has happened, I would relax a bit. If it happens in other scenarios, it could be haunted, but still I wouldn't worry. It's usually harmless.

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  • Antir0b0t

    My house is haunted. Honestly, paranormal experiences are insanely common. More people experience it at least once in their lives than those who don't.
    The spirit world is all around us, it's just a normal part of life. I've experienced much worse at my home and there is no other explanation than ghosts.
    But just don't talk about it in your house, that makes them feel welcome. Just shake it off and forget it ever happened. If it gets worse, do some google searches or contact me for advice.

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