Is it normal to think that one day science will discover god?

I'm probably going to get a lot of crap from people saying that God doesn't exist, but please be serious with this question and answer it wisely. Science is based off of factual evidence in the logical world, and this is why some people don't believe in God because there is no factual evidence to prove him. But, if science progresses and becomes really advanced, do you think it will ever discover God himself?

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39% Normal
Based on 71 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • JenAus1217

    That's an interesting question. I'm not confident to give you a good answer but here's my humble opinion:

    I think it's impossible for human beings to discover God, no matter how advanced science can become. First of all, I guess we should define what God is, if you believe God does exist in this world(I believe). God is supposed to be the supernatural creator of this universe. And literally he is almighty and can control the whole universe. If so, everything should be under his control/power. If God doesn't want people to 'discover' him, he would have his own way to stop human beings. I'm not convinced that God would ever want human beings to 'discover' him, would he?

    I guess the biggest possibility is that human beings may find more signs to prove the existence of God, just like many professionals are trying hard to unearth proofs that can explain how Jesus was born to this world and lived once.

    Finally, I think you're right about people not believing in God due to the lack of actual evidence. But that's also how we define 'believe'. If there's factual evidence, then surely everyone would be convinced that God does exist. But believing is rather like how religious people believe in God, despite the lack of factual evidence.

    I wish my answer is helpful...(I know it's too long!)

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    • PunkReggaeMAN21

      Yeah and I think God wants us to have faith in him, instead of knowing that he exists thru science

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      I feel the same way

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    • nobleserpent

      +1. Great answer.

      My only Beef is that God, although omniscient, isn't in control of all things. He Himself is bound by the Laws he set forth into motion.

      But in the end all things are taken on Faith. We assume we're existing, we assume there is no God, or there Is, or else we Assume there is no knowledge by which we can gain a deeper Understanding of ourselves; That no new Knowledge can be extracted from the old.

      If you believe something you believe It because you like the Idea of it.

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  • sunny_wantsome

    Can a video game character ever find out who is controlling him?

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  • bddemhpb

    It already has. Everything single scientific discovery points to the creator of it. Just the fact that there are planets in perfect orbit all the way down the most simple cell (which is actually quite complex) all working together in perfect synch points to a divine creator. Some may disagree, but whether you believe in "God" or not, you're kidding yourself if you think that all "happened" by itself. Science most defenitly discovers God in that it shows him throught the discoveries that science makes.

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  • kenzie14

    I don't think so, at least not the traditional idea of God. Maybe they'll discover a creator, but a man sitting on a cloud watching everyone? I think that's a bit too far fetched.

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  • myownopinions

    I'm atheist/agnostic, so I guess my answer is a little biased, but I think the further we advance in science, the farther away we get from discovering God (depending on which concept of God you're referring to).

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  • Dot123

    Science is God.

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  • Oasis808

    Scientists actually have found god in the penis hole. My little wee wee is so small, but I have found faith in the hole of my cock. Thanks be to the lord.

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  • nerdypartyboy

    Scientists would have more chance of finding out how the big bang happened than proving that there is a god, because there is no god. It's physically impossible. Anyway, it is all one huge lie created by some douchebag who claims he awoke from the dead, which is definately impossible.

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  • Blackwargreymon

    It depends on what you see as god. With close-to-nature religions like Wicca, I would say yes, science can 'find' their Gods.

    As for finding flying spaghetti monsters, I suspect that when science find something to explain them the religious crowd will, deny, reject and say god is something else.

    And yay, faith, for believing things for which common sense says there are no reasons to believe. Without science and common sense, magician/magic are just as real as gods, if you just have faith.

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  • PumpkinKate

    "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."

    "But," says Man, "This new scientific discovery is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not be explained by chance. It proves that You exist, and so therefore, by Your own arguments, You don't. Q.E.D."

    "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.

    "Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.

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    • UnrecognizableMan

      you rock

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Yes I think science will one day possibly prove god. I believe in the theory that ghosts and spirits live on another dimension that humans can not reach. Since god lives with the dead spirits I think he would be in this realm as well.

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  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    maybe, i dont really consider myself religious but i do believe in some type of god. i think the point is that your supposed to have faith and believe in him without proof. because if we had proof everyone would believe in him not because they actually did but because they were told they have to because there is proof hes real.

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  • chicken471bologna

    God doesn't exist

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      Not WHat HE FUCkin ASKED
      sorry daM KeyBOards All fucked up

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      • chicken471bologna

        If you can't take the truth get off IIN.

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          Keyboards fixed
          btw just because YOU say its true dont mean it is okay?

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  • Corleone

    I'm an atheist. I personally don't believe God exists, but if we'd find factual evidence that he does, I'm willing to change those beliefs.

    If God truly exists, it's very likely that one day we'll find evidence of his existence. If such a thing should happen, it seems logical to me that scientists (and other people) will start believing in God.

    However, right now we don't have any irrefutable evidence, so I choose not to believe in a higher power.
    Of course, I can't speak for the whole of the scientific world, but for me this is the case.

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  • Blackwargreymon

    @sunny_wantsome Can people use metaphores that make no sense?

    But yeah, I've played multiple games where the characters were fully aware that they were being controlled by me. How does knowning that help? *sigh* rational thinkers, the 1%;P

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  • Ono

    Well it's possible. It just leads to the next obvious question for science though, what created god? Some religious people scoff and make fun of the idea of the big bang because something coming from nothing is 'ridiculous' but at some point something must have come from nothing, whether that was a god or just matter itself.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Science has been trying to find something called "The God Particle".

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  • CardioGoddesss

    No, because it won't.

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  • ballparkdogg

    I don't think science will ever discover God. You use science to find answers to questions regarding photosynthesis, engineering, or computers. You can find God through faith

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