Is it normal to think that parents raising their children religiously should... illegal?
Through firsthand experience, social narratives, and pure deduction, we can come to a conclusion on right vs. wrong.
When I take up this topic with people IRL, I tend to receive a lot of sympathetic answers towards religion, ie, "Well...its how the parent teaches morals."
It is entirely possible to teach morals without religion. If you don't see how, please stop reading my post and go elsewhere.
I am normally a critic of all proselytizing religions (Evangelism, Catholocism, Mormonism, Islam, etc), but in this case I believe the ethical nature of being fair to kids even extends into the area of peaceful, self-contained religions such as animism, paganism, buddhism, hinduism, etc.
The reason? I believe (in a Jungian way) that our ultimate destiny is to harmonize the ego, which demands construction from the minute we are born, with our true souls, or the nearly inexplicable feeling of connection with life in our bodies on this earth, which are neglected from the minute we are born. Children are incredibly impressionable, and so when we start giving them these ignorant answers masquerading as universal truths, we are instilling in them a root in that faith that often sets the tones for the rest of their lives, and even if they break free, 20-40 years.
There's a lot of action in those years, or in a life. I am very glad to be free of the Mormonism under which I was raised, but I can't pretend it hasn't been a struggle absolving my brain and heart of all the nonsense and hate that the religion planted in me as soon as I began drawing oxygen.
Further, I think that with laws banning children in churches and similar things, we would solve many of the world's issues in just a couple of generations. It would be necessary without religion to teach children on an entirely social level, which I think would help them really understand peace, sharing, and other cultures. All the pre-instilled guilt and angst would be gone.
So, is it normal to think that it should be illegal to raise a child religiously?