Is it normal to think that technological process are built in mirror of humans?

think about it, how does a calculator work when it solves math? can someone have developed the allgorythm to solve the math in a different method then the human progammer does? how could we teach something to do something in a way we cant do it? the only differnce is the hardware doing the math. so can technological think process be developed to understand the human mind? is it nornmal for a 16 year old to think this way?

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89% Normal
Based on 19 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Zapoix

    How do you know that he's 16

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    • Legion

      it says in the story.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Hahaha @KickTheDog, "I'm currently waiting for a robot maid.". Lol.

    And you have a very clever mind for a 16 year old.

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  • KickTheDog

    There is no difference between human and machine except complexity.
    DNA is just a program consisting of "quads" (ATGC) instead of bits.
    Neurons, similar to electric circuits, simply react to electric potentials.
    Machine can interpret images and even recognize faces.
    Machine use language to communicate.
    Machines can learn to interpret brainwaves, then you can control a third arm in China with your brain.
    Secret service can remote control bugs ( I mean real! bugs)
    Also they put an eel's brain into an device that reacts to light.
    I'm currently waiting for a robot maid.

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  • What'sMyName?

    Is it normal for a 16 year old to be on this site?
    I guess so.

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  • bigguy2010

    We actually not very far away from artificial intelligence. Couple that with access to unlimited data via the Internet, and you have a machine with the potential to solve all sorts of problems and questions that have caused the human mind to stumble.

    Of course, it could also give rise to cybernetic machines bent on destroying man. Or, the machines might realize that the human nervous system is a good source of electro-chemical energy. Or... aw, you get the point.

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    • Zapoix

      You have been watching too many movies

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  • Darkoil

    I studied neurology a bit at uni and you can't compare a calculator to a human brain. If the human brain was simple enough to understand then we would be to simple to understand it.

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  • dappled

    They are not necessarily vastly different. The calculator is a streamlined version of what brains do. There is so much lossiness in a brain with the same information stored again and again, because the brain is more susceptible to erosion than computer memory or a hard disk (or a calculator's internal registers).

    Their process is also streamlined (it all works internally as binary) and every calculation works the same way. My brain doesn't. I never divide by five, for instance. Instead I double and then divide by ten, because it's quicker.

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  • You have a point though. Interesting...

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