Is it normal to think that the usa is the greatest country in the world?

Hey everyone, I think the USA is the best country in the world, because we have the strongest army, the most proud people, the most awesome flag and we never lost a war.
We are also the richest and the smartest because we invented most of the things we use TODAY.
We destroyed the british empire when it tried to colonize us and we almost single-handedly destroyed the nazi and the japanese empire.
You can say the world speaks American, because they learn American from American TV, not british.
I am making this post because I just came home from a trip to Europe and people didn't show me much respect for being an American. Even in england I was in a bar and some asshole called me a yank and when I called him a piece of shit motherfucker he told me to go back to mcdonalds..I'm not even that fat he only said that because I'm American..
But not to anyone's surprise when I told him to come at me, he didn't and told me to calm down, yeah chicken out.
This person obviously isn't even grateful that we saved their asses in WW2.
It may have something to do with the USA being about 80% Christian nation, and God blesses our country, that we are so advanced compared to the rest of the world.
Some people say china is going to be the new superpower yeah right, chinese aren't even smart enough what did they ever do for the world? Nothing.
If china will ever be a threat to America we will nuke it to the ground. That's why china wont attack America.
Just like europe, china can learn from America, don't even get me started on the rest of the world those people are even more backward.
Is it normal to think like this? I think so.

Voting Results
25% Normal
Based on 1380 votes (343 yes)
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Comments ( 244 )
  • dinz

    Do you have a small penis or something?

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    • Beginner

      You are so funny :D

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    • usakiane

      I think so

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  • So tell me, how many wars have you fought in? How many inventions have you made? How many empires have you helped take down?

    Like others have said, you're most likely a troll.

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    • KokoroComplex

      Let's not forget censorship and all the lies they convinced us of.

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    • Its_Called_Love

      God I hope so.

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    • Beginner

      Great reply
      Respected :)

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  • purpledino8

    Ok what the fuck, america sucks! I hate living here . The goverment is horriable, and its just going down hill ..we shouldn't even have gone to war! The goverment bombed the twin towers..all of this is set up. The illuminati is taking over, but ur all to brain washed and stupid to see it! And plus!!! There taking away are rights! They all ready have, their pretty much getting rid of the consitution. Get ready for martial law.And the new world order. Do you really think rich,greedy people in charge, care about us? No they don't. But they want us to depend on them. Think for yourself , and fight for what's right

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    • Ono

      You can't call others brain washed and stupid in the same sentence you refer to the illuminati.

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    • YourNeighborhoodWhiteGuy

      It appears we have a conspiracy theorist that never went to elementary school...

      Improve your spelling and grammar before you accuse your government of corruption.

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    • Clockwork360

      The government never bombed the twin towers.

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    • Beginner

      Great reply
      I respect you man
      Now i think that humanity is in safe because we have people like you :)

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    • mfer41971

      your a nut! Leave America if you don't like it we want miss you!

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  • moomus

    Pride comes before a fall......

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  • purpledino8

    Why should anyone respect you?! Your a narrow minded, self centered, poorly educated asshole, who needs to wake up and smell the fucking coffeee

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  • zchristian

    You actually just managed to make me hate America slightly more just because you have the strongest army does not mean its the best country and why do i hear that China and Japan should be the smartest and just because your from America dont automatically give you respect...

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    • TheUltimateShammer

      I'm American and I hate America. Even more so now.

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      • Clockwork360

        Then you retared why would you hate your own country I'm American and love America.

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        • TheWiseJoe

          loving your country is great.

          going around and telling people your country is better than theirs like half of the Americans i know? not so much

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      • mfer41971

        Goodbye then!

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    • Beginner

      Respect you

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  • squirrelgirl

    I don't think America's the best country per se, just the one that sucks the least.

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  • 777electric

    Pick up a fucking history book.

    1. America signed a treaty so England didn't have to spend money kicking your asses.

    2. Russia won World War II itself practically, America was losing to an island.

    3. Europe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Usa

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    • mfer41971

      You need to read a history book

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  • DavidS.

    I think the only real measure is overall quality of look at per capita income, crime, population density, taxes, quality of education and cost, health care , life expectancy, recreational opportunities, etc...America is like 10th in the world ...

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  • ToddStellar

    Damnit, I sure hope this is fake.
    You need to pick up a history book, there. Look up the war of 1812, and have you ever heard of the Vietnam war? Never won that one. How about, Red Cloud's war?
    That is the first thing wrong with this, but because I do not want to be on here all day, I will leave it to the other posters on here to let you know the rest.

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    • Gelmurag

      I love you for pointing those out.

      I may not be spot-on, so I was making generalizations below.

      @ poster, my history is fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure we didn't destroy the British empire. We announced our independence from the crown. Basically that means we told them we weren't going to pay the taxes the crown demanded. We were already a colony, they weren't trying to colonize us. You can't colonize something already a colony for the same empire.

      The language you reference is English, indeed the language of business. But it isn't because of TV. The second most popular language on earth is Spanish. Because English covers more countries than, say, Mandarin, English is accepted in a wider variety of roles.

      You were being an ignorant dick in the bar, and even as an American I would punch you. If you travel to another country, do as they do. Trying to get them to bow to your will will cause you to get shot. Traveling abroad 101, even my 7 year old nephew knows that. "If your in Rome, do as the Romans do."

      Your Christianity argument is poor. 80% of Americans are not Christian. I would even say its less than 50%, but for saving time I'll say 40%. 10% are atheiest, 20% are Muslim, 20% are Jewish, and 10% fall into another type of religious category. God has nothing to do with it.

      In terms of education, America is one of the worst in the world. Japan has one of the best educational systems in the world, which also translates into technology and medicine 10-15 year ahead of America. They also have lower obesity, lower homeless, lower jobless, better healthcare, and higher incomes. America is mediocre at best.

      China is a superpower. They have better military discipline and sheer numbers. Although our technology may be ahead of theirs, in terms of a war they would certainly win. They have had thousands of years of civilization beyond us. They have also given the world things like the "Art of War", Jade pottery that has withstood centuries, and even one of the wonders of the world. They are growing in their ability every week. They also have the largest deposits of natural resources in the world.

      I really feel sorry for the world when ignorant Americans like yourself get out of their cage. Instead of eating your dorritos and watching your TV, pick up a history book.

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      • Though I agree with almost everything you said...China is not a Superpower, they're a World Power. Whether or not they'd win in a war is subjective since most likely, if the West quit buying their goods, they'd starve. Their sheer numbers certainly would prove a major obstacle, but the natural recources they boast mainly lie in metals, which would probably fall short of feeding such an enormous population.
        The U.S. certainly isn't poor in resources.. enough farmland to feed many countries. The Chinese military is nowhere near as seasoned or loyal as the U.S. Ask anyone in China if they remember Tiananmen Square and watch for a change in disposition. Chinese technology is certainly forthcoming, but they're still ages behind...but you did say that.
        The Chinese definitely deserve credit for their rich history, intellect, and invention...but no...I have to respectfully disagree that they're superior. They are a great culture living under a repressive government which will never let their people live to their full abilities...regardless of their Jade pottery and their claim to one of the Wonders of the World.
        It does, however, make me sad that this debate takes place under a thread started by someone who not only made no valid, debatable point...but whom I seriously doubt is even American.

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        • Gelmurag

          Thats why I put that little disclaimer that I was trying to make generalizations. Indeed I have learned something, and that makes each day worth waking up for.

          The last class I had that even dealt with history was an anthropology class taught by a graduate student from Denmark. He mainly liked talking in class about how hot American girls were, and about how meso-american indians enjoyed corn.

          Tidbit aside, what are the separations now-a-days between Worldpower and Superpower? We were always taught that a Superpower was any country with nuclear capability. At the time that was Russia, Germany, USA, Canada, France, Great Britain, India, Japan, China, Greenland, Iceland, Spain, Sweden, and some others that I can't remember the names of. Do me a favor, don't get old haha.

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          • I'm already old :)

            I guess my understanding of the difference between a Superpower and a World Power lies in a combination of several things; economics, nuclear capabilities, technological advantage, political name a few. Although the Chinese deservingly claim their share of all these aspects, they're still in a budding, pre-adolescent stage of their standing as a World Power.
            When the Soviet Union collapsed, the world's political conventional wisdom proclaimed the U.S. as the "sole Superpower," and took a figurative "step back," almost recoiling with suspicion, even fear, since we all know that power corrupts...and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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            • Gelmurag

              What gives a country the ability to deem another one powerful? Actually I think I'm more interested in how that ranking gets determined. Ok to narrow that one down even more, are their government entities in the particular country that can state "these reasons?"

              I ask that because we "talk a big game" but in reality have horrible numbers, or so far at this point from the political occurrences (and I admit I don't keep up. IMHO its a bunch of rich old men who are out of touch). I guess this seems more like a pros vs cons about America now. So not going into that, is the picture we present to the world the real happenings(no healthcare is a big one. I have a bachelor's degree, cannot find a job, and have no healthcare. Literally living with a parent just to survive), or is it the fake ideals of say the 1950's? (Every Harry Dick and Jane has a job or is a stay-home parent, and its possible to keep up with the Jones')

              I know that was awkward. Long day of trying to find a suit cheap enough but that would fit. Eskews my thinking to screen ability.

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      • mfer41971

        China is not a superpower according to the definition look it up. God has everything to do with it.

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      • Jimbobasaur

        no country can match usa military might, they have the biggest economy in the world and generally kick ass to people like you. god bless america

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        • Gelmurag

          The biggest economy in the world?

          With the highest unemployment rate of any country. Where citizens have to pay for healthcare.
          One of the worst educational systems.
          Some of the highest crime rates.
          Some of the highest murder rates.
          The most censored TV and Internet of anywhere else in the world.
          Some of the least paid employees, worst job moral, hated government, greedy corporations...
          Should I go on?

          I was born in Florida. I've also lived in Indiana, Ohio, Texas, Louisiana, California, Washington, Virginia, New York, and Iowa. And they all suck.

          So by "People like you" I hope you mean yourself to0. Because I am an American. I'm just not proud of it.

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          • getouttadodge

            We do NOT have the highest unemployment rate in the world. Places like Germany and Spain, not to mention Greece, all have over 35% unemployments. Ours hovers, depending on state, between 9-16%. That's hardly the worst.

            Can't ONE post on here get all their facts straight? We WON the war of 1812 with the help of a whole buncha tornados, although we didn't win any of Canada. We LOST Vietnam. The winners or losers of these past two wars is highly debatable. Hell we can hardly tell whether the middle east has experienced one or two American driven wars this past decade!

            The hair brain who wrote the original article can hardly be a real person. However the rest of the answers, some intelligent, some not, are making false and unintelligent statements here and there! Let's GOOGLE SHIT before you spout off. The worst offender is the idiot who talks about illuminati or the Gelmurag who has a brain the size of a black pea.

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          • mfer41971

            Leave then!

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      • TheUltimateShammer

        Hey, don't hat on television. How I Met Your Mother is a great show. Nice job on other points though.

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        • Avant-Garde

          Its an okay show, nothing to write home about, though. When is the main character EVER going to get to the moment where he finally tells his kids how he met their mother?! In realtime, this would be the longest story ever told. On top of that, how many people can remember that far into their past with such an attention to details?

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    • Its_Called_Love

      How about the fact China practically owns the U.S. because the U.S. owes China over a TRILLION dollars. If I were China, I wouldn't bomb the U.S. either, I'd want my money back. The ol' U.S. of A is currently kissing Chinese ass, wanting more money of course. I think I'm allergic to Americans after reading this...
      Just in case you don't believe me, and these are both American sites.

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    • Ono

      There aren't really any other examples of the us losing a war, particularly a 'declared' war.

      There are quite a few examples of wars the US hasn't won though (as opposed to lost). Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and of course the drug war. Some more arguable than others.

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    • Jimbobasaur

      they have actually won over half their wars, dumbass

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  • LunaGreywillow

    This.. Is exactly why I'm ashamed of being American. It's idiots like you that give our country a bad name. Yes, China just might become the new superpower, get over it. I have relatives who have visited the country, and they're extremely advanced.I've grown up here, and I have little faith in our youth and future. I plan on moving to Australia, Germany, or Canada as soon as I can. Most of my peers are superficial imbeciles that care not for the fate of the USA. Get over it. We're not better than anyone else.

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    • mfer41971

      Leave then!! if you don't like it!

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  • GMAN

    Do you realize what you have just done?

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  • Themaskedman

    Yes fellow patriot it is I love America and every desision it's ever made I will never ever let go of it and I love this country and it truelly is the best

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  • model101

    Ok. This is the American Education system for you. They clearly don't teach their kids anything that's actually historically accurate. If you actually believe that your country is the richest and the best, then you have a problem. When you said what did China do, nothing, that is totally wrong. Where do you think all of your "amazing inventions" are manufactured? Not the US!!! I'm Canadian and we have the most allies with other countries than the USA does. We actually get respect when we travel. Why do you think Americans aren't allowed into Cuba? Because you're douche bags! You are never going to be respected when you travel because everyone knows how stupid an ignorant you are. Get over yourself.

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    • Its_Called_Love

      I'm a Canadian too, and I totally agree with you.

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    • getouttadodge

      Um Stupid... Americans can't go to Cuba because of Cuba... it's because it's against OUR law. Can't ANYONE get it right???

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    • TecaT.

      I'm from Europe and I think Americans should stop brainwashing their children with the media and the education. I would advice America to look up to Canada and accept their faults.

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  • -WhySoSerious-

    Have you heard of a war called the Vietnam War?? Shitheads like you don't know that America got humiliated in that war.

    Also, America is a superpower, that doesn't make it the greatest country. For the past ten years, it was fighting in two wars. One of the wars was made up to help out some of the rich in your country. Do you not think?

    It's one thing to love your country, but it is a different thing to hate other countries.

    Plus, look at corporate America, it is so corrupt, that it got the whole world fucked up in a recession. Do you not follow the news?

    There's a top 1% in your country, and those are the ones who basically control you. They own 90% of the wealth in your country, and they are the ones who basically decide who the leader of your country should be. The people in charge of the corporations seek those presidential candidates who will give them their best interests, and therefore shove millions of dollars in their campaigns.

    Yes America has made some many good things in the world but you can't ignore the bad things.. I know politics is a dirty thing, and sometimes countries have to what they have to do, but I mean COME ON.

    I like many American people, and many of them are my friends, but they all open their eyes, and look at both sides of the spectrum, unlike people like you who follow Fox News (Entertainment).

    I know you're trolling, but sadly, there are people who actually believe in the stuff you just mentioned in your troll.

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    • PumpkinKate

      We, the truly American, must FEED this troll! In the hopes that through doing so we can prevent the spread of misinformation, because we do not wish for impressionable minds to be exposed to such swill. TRUE PATRIOTISM!

      ...or you know, something. Sometimes its fun to just bash on America's faults.

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    • mfer41971

      Lets be clear America left Vietnam we could have destroyed it if we chose to!

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  • Energy

    I love the USA and all, but you're taking it too far.....o.O

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  • "Im not even that fat" lol
    but seriously youre a joke, people like you give americans a bad name

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  • House

    is this post even real?If it is, then you sir are an ignorant prick.

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  • GermanPerson

    I'm American yet I still like Europe better... I've wanted to be European ever since I was 6... GO EUROPE!!!

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  • Jimbobasaur

    im english and i think it probably is

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  • CoolStoryTeller

    Most people commenting and voting in this thread is retarded as fuck. It's called patriotism. Many people are proud of their country or people because they were taught like that. It's the same with religion. Is it normal to think that Christianity is the best and only one true religion? It's normal. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born in a secular state, with open-minded people and schools. Not every parent or school is open to other cultures, race, sexual orientation, beliefs.

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    • answerme

      I'm Canadian and don't think canada is the best country. I have a huge mind, I think our universe is the best universe

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  • WaryTraveler007

    It's normal to love your nation.

    However, you just sound like some dip-shit dude who decided to say to the rest of world that America is full of ignorant jackasses who aren't educated enough to support their own facts. Like Jesus f*uckin Christ, it's people like you and questions like this that make other countries HATE us.

    Do the world a favor and disconnect the Internet to your life.

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  • condesaman

    I guess your family are to blame for not educating you in the true facts about the US and the Rest of the World.

    When you get idiot Presidents and idiot UK Prime Ministers lying to their government and people about countries having weapons of mass destruction ( IRAQ ) the same countries they fully armed to take out Iran and hundreds of thousands died as a result and nothing was achieved, as with Vietnam, can you wonder that the US is not respected and the Muslim world hates you and any country associated with you despite the fact they still journey to our countries and the take our money to live on.

    I have many American friends and family and they are all lovely people so any critism I have is not against the American people its, as always, about Man's inhumanity to man (and women and children these days)usually the fault of Politicians pandering to weapon makers and their financial supporters and to hell with the rest of the World.

    Answer me one thing smart arse, or idiot if you prefer, because for sure if you hand a little more sense you would make a prime idiot, why send cruse missiles to smash up the water works, power stations and the general utilities that thousands of families in Iraq need (not the military) and cause them endless distress and misery as a result. If that is a humanitarian US intervention then blow the world up but make sure the first bomb lands on the Pentacon.

    If this was not a respectable forum i would call you a W**KER

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    • Jimbobasaur

      biggest economy
      biggest military
      first country ever to put man on the moon
      leading the way in technology, science, medicine, freedom
      they invented the interent
      they invented the lightbulb, meaning they discovered elctricty
      the list really goes on forever but imagine how far behind the world be without them

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  • mfer4

    You should be proud,I know that I am. Our for fathers gave their lives and our current military still give their lives for other peoples right to have a democracy. USA is the # 1 If you don't like us in the world then GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK THAT we have given you over the years!!

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    • mfer41971

      That is right!

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    • pewdiecuties

      Ahem america has maaany trillion dollars in debt... I think YOU should pay other countries back. Og ur right America is nr 1.... in drugs, crimes, obesity, stupidity, stuck ups, ignorance and 1000 other bad things

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      • mfer41971

        ahhh we have never been paid back from another country

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    • 'MURICA!

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  • kelili

    If I understand you were just feeling inferior to european and then you wrote this post because that's the only way you've found to feel better. So pathetic. I'm really sad for you. It's rare to meet such a desesperate person

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  • DealinBurgers


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    • mfer41971

      um.....could have nuked it and won anytime we wanted to??

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      • answerme

        We? Sorry I didn't know you were there.

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  • SofieFatale

    You are the biggest fucking embarrassment to America. Leave. Please. God, you're the reason every other country hates us. Because you're a fucking idiot ad give us a bad name! YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT.

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    • mfer41971

      No you are. you leave! Be proud of America or get out!

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  • PumpkinKate

    The USA does have the strongest military. The concept of pride for one's nation is subjective, so the second statement can be scratched from the list, along with the flag (honestly it's very boring). The USA HAS LOST WARS. How did Vietnam go, buddy? How about the Seminole wars I, II, and III? Red Cloud's war? How's Korea doing with complete control over the- ohhhhhh wait, no... North Korea exists, so that was a half-victory I guess, since Kim Jong Il was pretty cool. That Civil war... arguably, half of us lost.

    The USA is very far down on the list of overall education, so you're not the smartest by a long shot... The United Kingdom still stands, America was vastly overshadowed in terms of manpower contributed, Nazi troops killed, points captured, and other resources put into World War II, so that's wrong too. American isn't a language. (You're obviously trolling as hard as your little troll heart can let you, but I'm going to continue debunking your troll-post, as obvious as it is)

    Yank isn't an offensive term. Most people outside of the USA disrespect the country greatly because of its history in world politics in the last 100 years.

    "I'm not even THAT fat" means you're a fucking fatass, like half of America. Get on a treadmill, you lardy uneducated fat fuck. America isn't 80% Christian. That statistic is DEAD wrong. Your beloved George W. Bush listed China as one of the most imminent threats to the US.

    So... basically everything you put is a huge load of horse-shit, and your attempt at trolling worked on me, but I still take satisfaction out of putting this up. GJ newbie.

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    • answerme

      Don't forget the war of 1812. USA invaded canada and then we kicked their ass then decided to burn down part of their White House then go back to canada and get drunk

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    • jamesinheels

      actually i think you will find that russia and china have the strongest armies

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      • answerme

        All any country is just a big chunk of rock were we live. Why can't we understand everything we do on this planet means nothing. We are a speck. Our galaxy and universe is one too. So why does it even matter about what country is the best. We're all alive and will all die someday. Even we we achieve immortality the sun will even explode and kill us. Our fate is inevitable. So why can't we just live with what we got and be happy about it and be equal and proud of the entire planet instead of the tiny separate countries and religions which ultimately has no meaning. We should live as equals and not worry about who is better and who is worse before we inevitably die and all of humanity as well.

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    • Jimbobasaur

      usa has won over half their wars, buddy. largest economy and military cant go wrong either. while you have china bunring fossil fuels like theres no tomorow. i really think people are going too harsh on this guy, after all it is the most powerful country, facts and figues mate, not opinion. im british and i think the usa is great. god bless america!

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    • Avant-Garde

      Great point!

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    • China has the strongest military actually. They outnumber Any country 20 to 1.....when the red dragon awakens we're all fucked!

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      • PumpkinKate

        China has the largest amount of infantry, so their army is LARGER, not necessarily the strongest. The USA employs the use of more advanced technology in the equipment they have at their disposal, and fields more advanced weaponry and vehicles. Pretty sure they have more nukes, too. Seriously, the USA's military budget is mind-blowingly astronomical.

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        • Actually NO ONE knows what technology china has as they dont allow inspections. Every american trooper would have to kill 10 times that of a chinese trooper to defeat thier army, an almost impossible feat. As for nukes no one can use them because most large countrys have nukes meaning if you launch the same thing will happen in retaliation. Several are suspected of having MORE than the the US. China has been stockpiling unchecked for decades. Most of the world especially the US has been worried about china a long time. The US got fucked up in nam, china would be that times 100. They know this thats why the US and the rest of the world try fairly hard not to piss them off!

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          • Jimbobasaur

            you also have no idea what brilliant technology the americans have at area 51 and places like such. i think usa secret technology is decades beyond ours, and there is soo much they hide from us aswell. people who once worked at area 51 sometimes come out in public about government sectets. apparently usa are builidng underground megatopolis'. while you have china burning fossil fuels like there no tomorow. usa have largest military and economy so that cant go wrong either, buddy. most powerful country in the world.god bless america

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            • Most of the USA is owned by China now, infact your country is 16 trillion dollars in debt and its economy is in the toilet.

              Actually the US doesn't have the largest military, The North Korean Military not only boasts the largest army in the world at 9.4 million personel under arms but also the largest special forces.

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          • PumpkinKate

            Well... yeah, any war involving the two nations would be horrific. I guess the only real indicator is just how much more the USA spends on their military budget than China, but it doesn't necessarily indicate 'strength'.

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            • jamesinheels

              all male soldiers should wear high heels and make love not war

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            • Well that being the only indicator dosnt really make it one does it. We Dont know chinas budget either but budget hardly matters compared to the fact the US would be dramatically outmaned and out gunned. The thing keeping the US and any other country safe is that we'd join together against china if they tried something. The US could not stand on its own against them.

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  • The U.S. does have the most powerful military. We have a rich culture of compassionate, passionate, peoples devoted to, among many other things, individual Civil Rights and we deserve respect. We claim the longest lasting Constitution. It does hurt to see so many trashing our culture when they have no idea what we're really about.
    As a nation, we hold a peaceful revolution every two years and we have a voice in our own government...though sometimes it seems nobody's listening, that's no fault of anyone but ourselves.
    I seriously doubt that the o.p. is even American. Though anecdotal, I've never known anyone in my circle to hold this point of veiw.

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    • Kyrie

      I agree that America isn't a terrible country, in fact I go there a lot and really like it, but to seriously say that is is the greatest country in the world and to imply it does no wrong is not accurate and is also insulting to other country's. there are many places in which country's can excel and its true that America has excelled at a few, but other country's have excelled as well and in some areas, surpass America. I'm British and though I would say that Britain is a great country, I wouldn't be arrogant enough to say that it is the best in the world.

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  • dom180

    Most proud people is a negative, in my opinion. Humility makes a great nation, and you clearly don't have any at all.

    Most awesome flag in the world is objective, and anyone with knowledge of international flag would agree that Dominica has a very awesome flag indeed, as does Nepal. Strongest army is clearly false. Never lost a war is clearly false. Besides, you are probably just a troll.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I love Britain, Japan, South Korea, and Bhutan's flags:)

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  • PumpkinKate

    Also Japan's Rising Sun flag was badass.

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  • DaFuq?

    Face it. America sucks.

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  • orchid42


    Ahaha you're an idiot

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  • Freindly trolling?


    is the country that decided to throw an atomic bomb on Japan, just to try it out. (of course, they would never admit that)

    is the country that shoots mexicans who want to LIVE their life, but has burrito stands, taco stands, etc, on every street.

    is the country that sends its entire army, just because someone says "communism".

    is the country with the most idiotic laws in all of the world. (for example, in washington, when two trains meet, neither shall continue till the other has passed)

    I can go on for hours.

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    • Jimbobasaur

      biggest economy
      biggest military
      first country ever to put man on the moon
      leading the way in technology, science, medicine, freedom
      they invented the interent
      they invented the lightbulb, meaning they discovered electricty
      the list really goes on forever but imagine how far behind the world be without them

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      • answerme

        Wow. The inerent! I love the inerent! But seriously it's not leading in technology because China is. It actually owes china 16 trillion dollars. They were the first person to put a man on a big ass rock(wow), they didn't discover electricity because I'm pretty sure it has been around for trillions of years(lightning) they were the first to learn to Harniss it etc

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      • mfer41971


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  • JPike78

    God, you're such an asshole!

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  • Joebo

    USA sucks

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  • mtg710

    Don't feed the Trolls - They may bite.

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  • Funone1

    Other than being too Puritan, our military being spread too thin, trillions in debt, attempts by both left and right to legislate morality, yes America is the greatest country in the world. After all look at how screwed up everyone else is. *shudder* at least we aren't France

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    • Its_Called_Love

      Have you seen France's health care system? Do you know how much vacation time they get off a year? France is way better then the US in my opinion...

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      • TheUltimateShammer

        I think it was joke.

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        • Its_Called_Love

          I should hope so...

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  • rin

    Philippines has the best flag! :D

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    • Iiin

      Lebaanon has the best flag

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    • Avant-Garde

      It's a beautiful flag:)

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      • rin

        hehe thanks! :)

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    • boredtodeath0_0

      lmao! I bet ur a Filipino :3

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  • luv2muf

    Americans are Assholes. I can't even remember all the drivil u wrote but here are just a few facts
    America was shit scared to enter the second world war they had no army or airforce as such. The japs forced their hand
    The atom bomb technology as well as rocket tecknology for the space race ICBM etc came from german scientests wh were captured and made to work for the United asshole of america after WW2.
    First heart transplant came from little Apartied South Africa who lead the world in transplant surgery .
    Longest shooting convensional cannon is still the G4 and G5 which out shoots anyones in the world still today ,made by South africa in the 80ties.
    The first workable fighter helmet with control images projected onto the visoe was developed by , yes you got it South Africa during the Angola war as they needed to out manuver the Russian MIGs with there self upgraded french mirage fighters which was very successfull. BTW they also developed a helecopter to rival the BlackHawk but the American assholes wouldn't sell the wepons for them to countries who wished to purchase a superior and more manuvarable airship.
    More to the point America had its ass kicked in vietnam ,Cambodia at one point , Koria where the north and sout are technically still at war. You have also lost the war in Iraq (look at the big picture) as in Afganistan. You guys have efectivly fucked up the whole of the middle east and placed muslum against christian and jew when it should only be against you pricks.
    You are sich a bunch of wise asses you vote in a Kenyan Born guy who is a Muslim to boot as your comander in chief of the most wanked out bankrupt country on earth. Just look as your national debt.
    And if china wanted to distroy the great US of A all the need do is dump the shares they own in all american companies and your stock markets will be worthless then they dump the Dollars they hold (more than u do brother) and declare the chinese currency the currency for oil purchasing.
    You guys will be screwed. Africa will be better off than you arrogant self righious bible flag waving pricks.
    One last thing who in Gods name gives you sons of bitches the right to fly drones into other counties airspace and bomb people rhen bomb those helping the wounded and dead. Like to see that you say if some country did that to you. Oh sorry I forget you untouchable.
    Bloody bunch of hillbilly inbreeds.

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    • 1badassog&AA

      Try to remember that Americans live in the mouth of the beast I KNOW because I too live in it! They don't know that theirs is the army of darkness. Patriotism conditioning has been enforced daily even by our parents. Unlike most of the rest of the world their water is still fluoridated. Be kind to everyone for EVERYONE you meet is fighting a very hard battle. NEVER look down at ANYONE unless you are helping them up! Once the Americans are awake we will reclaim this world and worldwide freedom. One Love Angels

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    • mfer41971

      You are a sick person. First you like to have sex with nasty people?? 2nd America is the greatest country there is. It sounds to me like you are Jealous because you don't live here.?? We will fly drones into anyone's space that threatens our national security. If you don't like it then don't threaten the United States? It is pretty simple action equals reaction?? That maybe over your dumb head though?

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  • stalkinurmom

    America is the best,whetha ya like it or not

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  • PoopTurds

    I am definitely moving now.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I wish I could too.

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  • Donno

    Your an idiot all countries are equal

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    • Its_Called_Love

      Wow there buddy, not all countries are equal. If they were, there wouldn't be first world countries and third world countries. But you are right about this guy being an idoit. :D

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  • greeny9461

    You have lost multiple wars.

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  • Leika

    I'm American too, but lets not get ahead of ourselves here. Iceland is the best country, it's all well and good to have opinions but you can't deny facts.

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  • John_Ivane

    I'll regret that I just set foot at this dogfight comments.
    But just in case somebody out there who thinks truly this way, I just wondered if it's a way to love his/her country of origin without denigrating other fellow ones'.

    As a born-and-raised Far-East-Asian, I think I've seen China & US aspects quite enough. And they have their own charms and strong points just as much they have their own issues they hardly handled properly.

    BTW, if op guy or his/her sympathizer isn't just trolling, you should google where 'Paper, Gunpowder, or compass' invented. I'm not gonna praise Chinese 'cause I don't have much love of them just like any other countries in the world, but you got so wrong about Chinese influence, even long before your precious USA ever existed.

    If there's somebody who liked America, it's not because your country is so strong and mighty to crush any other nations. It's because of what your country symbolised for people, not those hard power you just projected on your own life's insecurity.

    The reason why I keep learning English as a hobby is the diversity and the freedom of speech, and if that fails in future, that's fine by us because it never have been called 'American'. English doesn't belong to yours exclusively anymore. It's ubiquotous and neutral, unlike your grudging, twisted love towards your country.

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  • spankrocket

    this guys post is the definition of American ideology, of course

    it's normal to think that way, your American

    when i read your post, it took me back to South Park's piss take of the red necks

    "Hey all you unAmerican Bastards - If you don't like America then why don't you geeeet out!" lol

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  • gay

    china has the greatest army,china is fully equipped with new modern technology,
    its population is one billion and some crore,s
    china has the biggest army in world
    china can challenge any country in world
    open ur eyes wide.
    china is not a newly born country...its older country

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  • yourdeepestshame

    "Nuke China to the ground"
    Wow... op sounds like a bonafide moron. Having said that, I'm American, and I think my country is, for the most part, the greatest country in the world; but not for the reasons you've listed. You possess absolutely no understanding of the geopolitical landscape; or reality for that matter. First off, China has second-strike capabilities, so if we launched a warheads at them, it's extremely likely that we would suffer prohibitively severe casualties (currently, we're only capable of shooting down every 1 out of 2 ICBM warheads). Second, how do you think Russia is going react when it sees missiles approaching a country so close to it? For that matter, how do you think the U.N., or the world would react?

    So our country's great because it's the winner of a pissing contest?
    How shallow can one be?
    Your rhetoric only serves to belittle the United Sates and further reinforce negative American stereotypes.
    A nation's greatness isn't derived from its abundance of power or resources, but rather, how it chooses to apply them and the actions it takes.

    The U.S. still holds the reigns as the most influential country. It promotes democracy, human rights, and is mostly expected/encouraged (ever since WW2) by the West to set the agenda. The U.S. makes mistakes, but any country that dictates foreign policy on such a high level will face with criticism and being second-guessed.
    I know there's a high probability the op is a troll (I can't be certain, because there some are Americans with the op's mindset), this post is more geared towards non-Americans; I don't want you guys to get the wrong impression about us.

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  • BobNoSnob

    You forgot to mention the 2008 economic crisis. The global financial meltdown at a cost of over 20 trillion dollars, resulting in millions of people losing their homes and jobs. Fantastic achievement by the good old US of A.

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  • Shmendan

    Not normal, as they cut off tips of their dick

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  • Beginner

    Man ,
    Why should i show respect ??
    Just because u r american ??
    Tell me what did you invent to respect you !!!
    I like to live in USA not because it is the strongest country in the world .. But because it a country of law , equality , justice and freedom
    But USA has also disadvantages
    Humans are one .. No one is better than other one .. We are humans
    We shouldn't kill other
    We shouldn't bomb Chinese or Japanese
    We shouldn't help murders like Israel
    We must end or eliminate wars
    We should protect and save life of humans in Africa ,,In Somalia ..In Darfor .. In Sudan
    In Syria .. Iraq , Yemen and Egypt

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  • mokuton

    You fucking Americans. I just hate you all.

    Come to think of it Americans are not smart people. In the start of the industrial revolution USA was far behind Japan and Germany. Most of the new strategies they used was copied from Japanese and German factories. And Americans are not smart. What they do is give citizenship to smart people from other countries such as China, Japan, North Africa etc. This is the problem with China as the country produces smart people they are leaving the country resulting in brain drain. America is lucky because all the foreigners made the country as it is now.

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    • insanebotv21

      What? Well... actually, you do have a point. The smartest Americans end up feeling ashamed to belong to their own country because it's full of fucking idiots.

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  • elenamish

    No, it's not normal. It only indicates that you haven't seen anything else.

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  • RandomGirl391

    Scotland invented alot more than america.

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  • Ellenna

    Without reading this very long list of comments & replies (is it a record?) one thing jumped out at me from the original post: the US never lost a war? How about Vietnam?

    From my vantage point as an Australian, the US has some serious flaws: the gun laws for a start, and then there's your health system, which remains unjust and life-threatening to poor people because any attempt to change it is seen as a communist plot. What about your decades long blockade of Cuba? I'm not going to start on the Middle East ...

    And I've always hated the way a succession of US governments seem to believe the country has the right to act as the police force of the world and interfere continually in other countries' affairs - including my own country with your secret military bases.

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  • Swan_Theif9854

    America! Where men can't get a job with long hair, marriage isn't legal for all, if you have tattoos, piercings, or colored hair you're a devient, women have questioned rights to their bodies. Christians make all of the important decisions based on religion despite the seperation of state bullshit. Ahh land of the free! Tsh yeah right I fucking live here and even I say it sucks. The people who represents us are total morons. It could be worse certainly, but it's far from perfect.

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  • 1badassog&AA

    1st lets establish the facts! The US is not a country or a Republic its a corporation. You too are a corporation since just after you were split just after the gov/corp received the registration of your live birth. Your body/strawman/corp/legal fiction, ect. is a ward of the state. The REAL YOU (your soul) was given to the church. That' why you were born in a hospital ward that is owned by a church. Your "Birth Certificate" is on bond paper. (it says if its not don't accept it). When a ship comes into port to do business it is said to be in it's "Birth" once it's moored to the dock. You have had a red white, & blue suppository shoved up your ass almost since "birth" and in school you have been taught lies like were #1. At least many of you were made to pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth instead of you BEAUTIFUL brothers & sisters worldwide. The US is number #1 in only 3 things. 1)Adults that believe in Angels, 2)Military spending, (more then the next 26 nations combined) 3)People in prison per capita, (even more the Russia, China)but thats it! You are a slave by what The US of America Corp calls "Tacit Consent" and almost none of you know it! The truth is you have been betrayed, defrauded, poisoned, and enslaved. I AM Sovereign no longer a slave but I used to be you so there is still plenty of hope. Fluoride a prime ingredient in Prozac, TV, work, ect. help to keep you asleep. Don't take my word for any of this go look for yourselves. You have been lied to your entire lives. Your money is fake, your food, air, & water are poisoned, and your laws are ALL made up. YOU ARE a slave and it's time for YOU to awaken. I Love you all!

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  • TokyoMan

    Thanks for the information... No one has ever informed me you have won Vietnan... Bloody teachers have been teaching me wrong!

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  • Pika-girl

    I love America! ...From Hetalia... A-and real life! USA! USA! USA!

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  • 0llril

    The United States has lost just 2 wars: the War of Vietnam and the War of 1812.

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    • mfer41971

      Lets be clear America left Vietnam, we could have nuked it at any time.

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  • pleasedtomeetyou

    I live in America and I would say it is below average in terms of living conditions. No free health care, no maternity leave, no required paid vacations, no gun control, more deaths/violence, more government brainwashing material , horrible regulations for education, more depression, more religious nuts, etc.

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    • mfer41971

      Then leave here?

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  • RamRam

    never lost a've been beaten by Canada Great Britain Vietnam Russia Ukraine Estonia Latvia Czechoslovakia and many countries that no longer exist oh and BTW British people call all Americans yanks. so you insulted him for no reason

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    • answerme

      Lol is Canadians destroyed the Americans and burned down their White House during a war they started. Then we got bored and went home and got wasted

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  • TTGL

    Well of course it's normal to believe in facts.

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  • didgeridoo

    it's normal if you're american. it's abnormal if you're whiny loser from the rest of the world.

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  • Reidwashere

    Patriotism is normal for everyone.

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  • Fuhrer

    As a German, I can objectively say that the USA was the greatest country in the world. After World War 2, Europe was in shambles and Asia was still primitive. That was the golden age of American prosperity. If a product was made, it was made in America.

    Also, you led the fight against those filthy Russian communists. In fact, my father, who lived in East Berlin, would never have been able to escape to West Berlin without the help of the CIA. So I say, thank you America. I love you!

    However, times have changed since those golden years. Greedy businessmen have been sending jobs over to China, sacrificing quality for profit. Your own government spies on you, and your society is growing increasingly immoral. Gone are the days of American prosperity. Why? You put yourselves over the common good. Business executives give themselves raises, while laying off thousands. Corrupt politicians make deals with companies to allow the quality of products to go unchecked, or to allow an oil pipeline where it would not be safe.

    In Germany, we have taken the example of what you used to be. Our economy is based off of quality, and we produce our goods IN GERMANY! I fear China will take over as the leading superpower, and spread their disgusting, Godless influence. These are dark times for the free world. America, you need to stop giving America away to the Chinese to further your own selfish ends. Germany, America, and the rest of Europe must band together to stop the Chinese menace!

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  • Caity21Lifee

    Sure, America is farrrr off the best country.. no country is the "best" really. But you don't have to blame America on the post.. blame the OP -.-

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  • Caity21Lifee

    Well.... Sure america isnt the best country.... But you don't have to blame America on this post! Blame the Op -.-

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  • Jimbobasaur

    I'm now strongly critical of government and hate what America is contributing to worlds suffering and misery. I despise the supposedly free market system and it will be what destroys industrial society. I have nothing against the people who live in America but I'm afraid with so many places in the world many are fed through propaganda and lies. On the other hand, some of my favourite individuals are american, like Jacque Fresco and Peter Joseph. It's not just america I'm critical of most of the world is insane right now.

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  • pewdiecuties

    China invented paper, and asian countries like china and japan have beautiful cultures whilst america... cant think of anything culturally beautiful!
    Japan is ranked the most modern technology btw!

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  • pewdiecuties

    Also the renaissanse is what created/started the modern world, and guess what? Most of it happend in italy by inspired people who started studying humanisms! Not the stupid fat lazy americans! You barely invented anything! (Btw if any smart and nice americans are reading this then im sorry I dont want to insult you im just so pissed at this guy)

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  • Goodbye¡

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA he thinks Murcia's! Governmont should have control of the world if that we're to happen we would be screwed stupid wanker! Oh the land of the great you make me laugh so much good luck lasting 5 years...

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  • loopoo

    Your country is a war hungry, power hungry, fat fuck filled shit hole.

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  • Pk65

    While America is a strong country we do have our downfalls. We are definitely not the strongest but we may be the most stubborn(as in we don't give up lightly) our economy is most definitely not the best. We definitely do not manufacture everything we use. We in fact had a lot of help in our wars and did not win on our own.. It is normal to think that your country is best but it is also wise to be sure you know the whole history of your country before you claim it is.. I believe every country is great for its own reasons. America is fantastic sure, but we do have some issues like obesity, illiteracy, economy, and hard headedness that we need to improve on.

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  • cryingallthetime

    Basically what you're saying is crazy. We did not single-handingly defeat the Nazis. We got help from UK, and France. Second, stop being racist, just because your american doesn't mean you should have greater respect than any race. That is ridiculous. Guess where americans came from? The British. God.. this guy. You are so stupid, China is only growing power, because they are inventing so many useful things, thus making their contributions stronger to China. What are you? A spoiled mind who only cares what happens inside America, not what goes outside to cause inside America.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Are you really that stupid? Honestly?
    First, oh hell, I don't want to waste my time trying to educate a moron.
    Do yourself a tiny favor though, shut the fuck up until you have read at least one history book. You make yourself sound so ignorant and really stupid.
    And yes America has lost a few wars, stupid, and no America does not have the strongest, or even best trained army on earth, dumbass.
    Jesus, I just can't believe there are people as ignorant as you on this fucked up planet.

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    • mfer41971

      well you are one of them. America is the strongest in the World..

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  • beeswax

    usa is a genocidal terrorist business owned and operated as a corporation by the european royal political elite - if you think it is a country then you have not done your research.

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  • Hello¡

    Are you a troll? richest people yeah smartest... not so much

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  • 8-Evil-Waffles

    People who Love their country are stupid; those who hate it, ignorant. Granted there are some bad points in every society but we must be open to really look at what matters, everyone else on Earth. If you hate a country you're just as bad as the other guys

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  • Mersaphe

    This is what happens when Americans never go outside their country.

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  • CeeCeeTheGreat

    I think it is normal, probably because most Americans are Raised to be patriotic as'f.. So yes, Normal.

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  • Wow, just wow. You are proof that Americans are the most retarded, arrogant, egotistical, selfish dumb fucks on the face of this planet.

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  • IDiGAFi

    Why has there never been a military dictatorship in the USA? Because they don't have an American embassy. Land of the free my ass! Sure, it's the land where the free live, but they don't give a fuck about democracy towards the others. If It's a democracy, how come irakies don't get to vote? They do live under the US government after all.

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  • mrloverlover

    Aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi dickhead

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  • 20_Salutations

    You are an interesting United States of America Patriot, I have to say.

    Despite billions of faults in this country, this country still is pretty decent to live in.

    This is one of the most ironic posts I have ever seen, I have to admit.

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  • AnonymousFemale

    First of all America have lost a war, right when it was discovered! Japan and China are the richest and smartest counties because they invented most things we use today! You never destroyed the British empire because they are still standing proud and they basically got America stated along with the native Americans, it was the UK, France, Russia and Italy that beat the nazis America never got involved and all America did was nuke Japan because they attacked you first and nuking them made everything worse so you needed the others to help.

    American is NOT A LANGUAGE! Britain and America speak ENGLISH, just with different ACCENTS (American and British)and the world gets taught English from schools not TV.

    You don't deserve respect if you're being such a self-centred, egotistical jerk, the stereotypical Americans are fat and he didn't start a fight because he probably has some standards.

    America practically made WW2 worse by using the nuclear bob. I doubt the WHOLE world cares about America being 80% Christian and even though America nuked Japan they are as still way more advanced in there technology then the US, you only think you're advanced because bill gates made Apple one of the best companies in the world but now that Bill Gates is dead the company is falling and have lost $6 Billion profit.

    China started some of the stuff we use today in the early years of the worlds redevelopment, also China is one of the major manufacturing countries in the world and is most definitely the smartest, China doesn't need to learn anything from the US. China won't attack America because they don't have anything to attack you for and they have probably got a weapon of there own which I better but are keeping it a secret (this is china I'm talking about after all) nuking them is a heartless and stupid thing to do because it wont solve anything!

    Japan and China are part of Asia not Europe so I have no idea where you got Europe from, America is probably ONE of the most backwards countries there are, other countries may find America weird because to them what they do is normal!

    To think so arrogantly and not even be well enough educated to think before you post this Is not normal at all you YANK!!

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    • answerme

      Americans and Canadians think anime is weird but Asian people think spongebob is weird

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    • answerme

      At the war of 1812 the Americans TRIED TO INVADE Canada and we pushed them back and when they went hiding behind their White House. Wanna knew what we did? We burned it down. We won the war while half the time we were drunk. And we continued Push them back until we got bored and went home and got wasted and fucked their women. And whatever God you believe in... I think He will probably send you to hell just for being a asshole( not you anonymous female). We Canadians wrecked the Americans in a war THEY started

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    • AnonymousFemale

      Not Bill Gates!!! Steve Jobs my bad everyone!!!

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  • TecaT.

    I live in Eastern Europe, in a country that is in a deep crisis. Most young people move to USA or Canada. Americans like you make Canada a lot more reasonable choice.

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  • Word2Pass

    Go Canada?

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  • mmcrob94

    Statistically, you are 100% likely to be inbred. Fucking hillbilly

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  • michaels4p5

    im sure god blesses ever country not just the united states. and you are way way off my friend china practically owns half the united states because we owe them money from way back.

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  • luv2muf

    America has the best flag
    1 it burns so nicely in riots
    2 you can redye it and make good garbage bags
    3 it soft enought to make underware
    4 cut int squares it makes awsome toilet paper
    5 trippled up is a great subsiute for a sanatary rag
    And 6 shave rhe averave YANK and women can use them as dildoes cos the are just PRICKS at heart
    Please feel free to add more hahahaah

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    • mfer41971

      After you get done with it, it could be used as evidence maybe to put you in Jail?

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      • luv2muf

        Used as evidence who your Kenyan President and his Nazi security organs.
        whahahahaha and who did the first heart transplant ... a SOUTH AFRICAN.
        WHO MADE THE first shoot by sight fighter helmet A SOUTH AFRICAN.
        Who designed the first full body x ray machine for emergency rooms A SOUTH AFRICAN
        So F the USA

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        • mfer41971

          Then send back all the money and protection that we give the South Africans then you will be saying whawhawawhwhawh

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          • luv2muf

            Well too bad , they didn't need it until your stupid ignorant government force the white government to hand over to a bunch of terrorist's, seems you guys like that look at the mess you have made in Iraq , Libya, Egypt to name but 3 .

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    • Jimbobasaur

      vile racist. people like you make me sick and are a shitstain on humanity. jealous of the country with the biggest economy and military in the world are. guess what they were also first to put man on the moon ;) just so you know im actually english

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    • anti-hero

      Underware? Is that like a cross between Underwear and Silverware? Sounds painful.

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  • sweetcheeks21

    How bwt the war on terrorism did u win that? LOL get ur head out ur ass

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    • Jimbobasaur

      biggest economy
      biggest military
      first country ever to put man on the moon
      leading the way in technology, science, medicine, freedom
      they invented the interent
      they invented the lightbulb, meaning they discovered elctricty
      the list really goes on forever but imagine how far behind the world be without them

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  • justsomekidfromcanada

    Even though the poster has already been thoroughly torn apart, I'd like to add that The Soviet Union contributed far more when it comes to winning WWII than the US did.

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    • rich_reyes

      WWII in europe was decided by Germany vs Soviet union, no US there.

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  • lion2013

    Team America hahaha we have never lost a war besides when the Brits burnt down the White House and kicked us out of Toronto and Vietnam

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  • little_freak

    Why has there never been a military dictatorship in the USA? Because they don't have an American embassy.

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  • goniffe

    Actually I think this is a great post and you Americans here should be greatful.Im from the UK and a lot of people here tend to think that most Americans are like this guy(granted its just a successful troll).Its given you all a chance to show that actually youre not all fanatically blind self interested fat lazy money grabbing bigots.Having read most of the comments above condemning this post gives me the chance to feel just that bit warmer to your country.So thank you sir and GOD BLESS THE UK!!!! (NOT!)x

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  • LaminaAeglaeca

    American isn't a language, selfish jerk. I live in America but hate it because of the people who are so full of themselves.

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  • loopoo

    No it's not normal because they aren't the best country in the world.

    And without the English language your shitty chopped up language wouldn't even exist.

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    • Jimbobasaur

      the americans essentially are the eglish, dumbass

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      • pewdiecuties

        The british made english, americans just made a bad copy...

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        • Jimbobasaur

          6 months back I was a distorted little idiot. I now old no patriotism to America or cany country, people who do cannot think for themselves.

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      • loopoo

        Need a little help to spell?

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        • Jimbobasaur

          its called internet slang, look it up ;)

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          • loopoo

            Never heard of a way of spelling 'English' 'eglish' before though. Guess it just backs up my first comment.


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            • Jimbobasaur

              no, its just that i dont value our conversation, so why would i waste my effort speaking to you

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    No it's not normal to think the USA is the best country in the world. It means that you don't know anything about any other countries.

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  • laugh.alot13

    Oh my god. Does this guy know how much other countries have impacted the world? America is awesome and all but some of the comments in the story were just ridiculous....

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  • 777electric

    ......Wooo Irish......

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  • mas0n

    lmao thfats funny.

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  • derpington

    Im from america and im one of the smarter ones because i love many countries, im not racist, and im not politcally mean. You sir sound like the douches that makes america look like shit and hated by other countries! Have respect for the other countries!

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    • mfer41971

      Have some respect for your own!

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  • Crudhouse

    I love this guy. Not many Americans with spines these days...and the ones that are are usually anonymous LOL. Even then, pretty cool

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    • Ono

      You don't have to be stupid and ignorant to have a spine.

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      • Crudhouse

        I dislike most Americans. I try to educate them though. This guy is funny cause you don't see too many of these kinds of people around these days.

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  • Manwithoutplanz

    Well if you count losing Iraq as not losing a war thennn i gues your right

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  • Aleks85

    Not these days, and I'm American. The USA is going into the shitter, 14 trillion in debt and growing. Our pathetic excuse for a president is thinking of more ways to spend than to liquidate the debt. At this rate the USA's dollar will be worth about as much as a dog turd, and we will be going into the next great depression, and quite possibly even WWIII.

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  • thecoldhardtruth

    If you're asking if it's normal that people from the U.S.A think that the U.S.A is the best place, then yes, that's very normal.

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  • Donno

    And I'm from the uk which is an MEDC like the U.S and Japan

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  • Donno


    Are you saying to me that all countries aren't equal?

    So LEDCS shouldn't have the same rights as MEDCS they aren't the equal of us?

    I understand what your trying to say but I think you misinterpreted what I was trying to say which was all countries should be looked up as our equal a country that may be poor but they should have the same respect that any country should have

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  • mark1337

    Yeah, now I gotta move to Canada. "Speak American" come on. Im just gonna hope your some grade school kid who misconstrued the info your history teacher gave you.

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  • KokoroComplex

    Honey, you are so oblivious. Unless you're a troll.

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  • DramDaem

    I like this question! No. They're violating other countries freedom or their own rules. They're 3 steps for them to get nuked

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  • Thereisnogod

    Some people just want to watch the world burn

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  • Avant-Garde

    There are so many wrong things in this post.

    It's ignorant "americans" like you that make the rest of the world hate you and this country.

    Maybe, as a child I was ignorant to others cultures, but now that I'm in my teens, I see that ignorance is wrong. I am ashamed of being from "america". If you want to wallow in anger and loathing, than that's your problem. Just leave us people out of it.


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    • Jimbobasaur

      biggest economy
      biggest military
      first country ever to put man on the moon
      leading the way in technology, science, medicine, freedom
      they invented the interent
      they invented the lightbulb, meaning they discovered electricty
      the list really goes on forever but imagine how far behind the world be without them

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      • pewdiecuties

        Are you an idiot? The light bulp is not electricity do u even what electricity is? The greek first found out about electricity for thousands if years ago you idiot do yiu even know what 1+1 is? No u dont, u think a light bulp is the definition of electricity! People like you are the reason why everyone thinks americans are stupid

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      • Avant-Garde

        Our economy is going down the drain.

        Americans didn't invent the internet. It is commonly accepted that Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web.

        There's proof that ancient cultures like the Egyptians had electricity. However, NASA has been keeping the truth from people on this as well as other UFO related topics.
        There is an upcoming UFO Disclosure that will be occurring in Washington D.C and a documentary film set to be released a few days earlier. That is, if you're interested.

        America is currently not "leading the way" in a lot of things. Europe and Asia are more advanced than we are.

        Other than that, there's no denying that Americans have invented a great many things that would effect the world we know today if they had never been invented.

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    • mfer41971

      You need to grow up first TEEN If you don't like America then leave it is that simple. To many people sacrificed for your freedom and security to have a snot nosed kid disrespect it!

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      • Avant-Garde

        A wrote that a long time back. I have grown since then. Clearly your pride/identity was hurt by my comment. I will move when I am able to do so. I will move at my own time. (What makes you assume that I am or was a teen?)

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  • DeadPixel

    I'm from the US and you're the type of idiot that proves that we are not the best country in the world. I seriously hope you are trolling.

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  • Solophonic

    America has ten million flaws to speak of, my favorite being that George Washington lost the popular vote to John Adams in a landslide, but pulled strings to win the electoral vote. But still considering everything in general that sucks about America, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else:

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  • Retard73

    Shut up ur americans

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  • amiginger

    The British guy was right you yank twat, sit down in your massive chair just about able to fit your big mac arse.

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  • What is wrong with you people??? 54 no?
    Are you all foreigners who's never been to the USA?
    And to all you people talking about vietnam, the USA only left there because they didnt want to kill the whole population, they already killed like 15% of it and they showed mercy by leaving the shithole.
    Way more vietcong got killed than Americans.
    The US did almost everything in WW2 otherwise you wouldn't have come crying for help!
    When britain tried to colonize the USA we fought them off and they ran like chickens.
    And I am not a troll, you call me troll for being a patriot?
    Jealous that I am proud when you can't be.
    When I watch the news and see the terrorrist bombings it only makes me more certain of my case.
    You europeans are becoming muslim countries, which is not the right religion they kill people in their own land.
    A true American is Christian and that's all to it.
    Which actually reminds me of another poll where the OP wanted to have all rights removed from atheists, which I agree with by the way.
    I think the US should have government control in the rest of the world maybe they can be advanced like we are then.
    You aren't even allowed to have guns to protect
    yourselves! Human rights, yeah only in the US we have human rights that's why I'm glad I live there.
    Let me put it this way, if it wasn't for the USA you all would still be living in the middle ages.

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    • Ono

      The reason pretty much everyone thinks you're a troll is because you get every fact wrong and the most logical response is to think its deliberate to get a reaction. You're entitled to your own opinion, you're not entitled to your facts.
      If you're actually serious then it's even more sad and pathetic for you. I don't think you could be more stupid, ignorant, bigoted and ridiculous if you tried.

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    • screwthestandard

      This is so ridiculously stupid.

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    • Crudhouse

      I love you man. You're my new hero

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    • mfer41971

      You are correct and I dare say I am probably the oldest person on this blog.

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    • TecaT.

      If all Americans thought like you, our world would be screwed.

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