Is it normal to think that we should tax the poor more heavily?
When we subsidize the lifestyles of the poor with government assistance and we fail to adequately tax them, we give them further incentive to lie around like ass-nuggets, living off of others' work. In addition to this, by not taxing the poor, we entice others to slack off and adopt this lifestyle, as people who would otherwise be productive members of society will of course want to partake in the simple joys that the life of your ordinary parasite offers. They, of course, will also continue to stay poor, because if they are not being taxed, they will lack any incentive to fix their situation, and so long as they are addicted to public assistance, they will fail to be of any use to society, save for the fact that the 800 children they will undoubtedly birth (all from different fathers, obviously) might get some politician elected because he promised to give them more of other people's money, tax free.