Is it normal to think that without religion the world would collapse?

Would the world collapse without religion?
Religion teaches people not to steal, cheat, lie, ect. So if that morale foundation is lost, wouldnt that mean that the world would eventually collapse?

is it normal to think this?

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32% Normal
Based on 72 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • Fenrirr

    Morals and humanity also teach people to not steal, cheat, murder, etc. We don't need a invisible man in the sky to tell us that shoving a knife in a newborns stomach is wrong since we should already know it's wrong you fuckwit.

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    • No, that came from religions. Religions told people not to steal, cheat, murder originally. Find me ONE PIECE of solid evidence where these good morales DIDNT come from religion.

      Good luck.

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      • Fenrirr

        the fuck is wrong with you? it's HUMAN morals, we can teach these things without religion because we have EMPATHY. you probably don't know what that is because you're stupid.

        you want evidence? as a 5 year old i knew it was bad to murder someone because of empathy and i know it would cause pain to the person.

        if what you say is true, athiests children would be running around causing chaos since apparently to you religion is needed to know whats wrong or right. i don't see athiests children outside murdering people because no one taught them about religion.

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        • No, I agree with you that we can teach morales without religion. You assumed that I wasnt thinking that. You shouldnt assume too fast doo doo bird

          Thats not evidence. Lets go back in history to the very beggining of time. In the bible, it says that one brother killed another because he didnt know what would happen.
          Dont you think if you werent taught and werent around a enviroment with people that have morales, dont you think you could also accidently kill someone without knowing what you're doing?

          Im not saying all atheist are bad, but just as atheist shouldnt say ALL Christians are bad either.
          Or your a hypocrite. (speaking in general)
          Or you assume that all Christians are bad, just as I could assume all athiest are bad, which I dont cause I know not all athiest OR Christians are bad.

          So your brainwashing your children to NOT believe in a God, just as I will "brainwash" my children to believe there IS a God?

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          • Fenrirr

            i don't have any children, but if i did i'd probably never talk about religion since i'm not religious, but if my children asked about it i would explain to them what it is. if they decide they want to be religious after that, i wont stop them. tbh i don't really care about these athiests vs christens thing, both sides have good people as well as bad.

            if you want to believe of a god in the sky, go ahead.

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            • I agree with you there.

              Theres good people all around.

              We can agree that Hillary must go though ;)

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      • lilmich

        Because humans invented religion as:

        1) A means to explain what science was not yet advanced enough to.
        2) Control the population. Many good morals were identified, and instilled with fear of fire and brimstone because it kept people in line.

        Who is the better person, the atheist who does good for the sake of being good, or the theist who does good to please their deity?

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        • 1: Religion and Science go together. Religion by itself doesnt explain Science. But science explains the design of God. The work of God.
          2: Control the population through good morales? lol That doesnt sound like control. What evil person would want people to be good? The paradox of that XD haha
          Wouldnt it be better for a evil person to try and corrupt an entire society? Through homo-sexuality, greed, stealing, lying, ect?

          Pleasing a entity is only PART of that. A person who believes in religion also does good because they truely want to do good, just like a good atheist :)

          You see people arent slaves just because they follow a religion. People are still allowed to make their own decisions. Thats what some religions are about, making your own decisions. But at the same time, STILL believing in a God.

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        • Btw, just because something may feel good like gay sex, doesnt make it automatically right.

          Stealing may feel good to some people, because of the rush they get, but regardless stealing is still bad.

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  • Cheet0

    No way, better without! Then ppl could be good ppl w/o being scared into doing so...

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  • john288

    Wtf.Would the world collapse without it?Why would it?If anything we would be closer to world peace.Almost all wars have been a result of religion.And what does religion have to do with morals?Im an athiest and I know not to kill and rape people.That is stupid to think one must read that in a book in order to know its wrong.

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  • Thorolf

    Nah, things would be way better. I learned these things without religion, so can everyone else.

    Remember: humans made the religions that say those things are wrong. Meaning that HUMANS realized the difference between good and evil.

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    • I agree, humans CAN learn good and evil without religion. But where do you think the original conscience came from?

      Most likely it came from religion

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      • Thorolf

        The original conscience may have came from religion, and religion came from humans. We could've just skipped a step.

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        • Shakesphere wrote plays but yet nobody takes those seriously, why do people take religion seriously if they know it's fake?

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          • Thorolf

            That's the sad thing. Most people don't know it's fake. By now a lot of religions have stopped being used, but there are still many left. I've always figured that because of the sheer outrageous nature of a lot of religions they may have originally been stories that were not meant to be taken seriously. Like you said with the plays of Shakespeare. But some people (most likely insane) began to take it more seriously. Remember this was a very primitive time.

            Plus, think about how ancient rulers felt back then. They didn't have security cameras or fingerprint marking. It was difficult catching criminals, especially thieves. In the Bible it mentions how much of it was written by kings by each littler story within it. Perhaps the kings of that age made various religions to help them control crime and disobedience, with threats of going to hell if they did crime or didn't do what the king said. Then religion spread and evolved into all sorts of various forms (there are multiple types of Christianity, for example) and all sorts of different people adapted to it. The original purpose of religion may have just been stories, rantings of crazy people, or ancient kings trying to control the population better. Probably a combination of those things.

            Sadly we'll never know for sure what happened and how this mess all got started.

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            • You dont understand, how could religion get huge if people knew it was fake in the past?

              Thats like people believing in spongebob. Do you know of ANY people who actually think spongebob is real?

              So either most people back in history were completely idiots, which is underestimating the Romans, ect.
              Or God does exist.

              I dont know about the king thing though, I would have to look that up myself.

              Religion goes back A LONG way. So pretty much everyone up until 2010 were insane people?
              Because athiesm as you should know, hadnt gained popularity in big numbers until recently.
              Like 20 years ago, religion was still on top.
              So everyone was insane until like 6 years ago? lol is that what your saying?

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        • why do you think humans originally "invented" religion though?

          what kind of original human would have that kind of imagination? Wouldnt it make sense if a whole group of people came up with it instead of one person?

          and if a group did, why would they?

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  • penisdump

    It's true, without Christianity the world would be full of pedophiles, rapists and murderers.

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