Is it normal to think these people are hypocrites

I think that "free spirited" people who make their entire personality spirituality, healing and living a life as natural as possible yet still document every second of it on social media are the biggest hypocrites ever. So these people are apparently so above everything that isnt organic and natural, they get a house in the country and start growing things and decide to live off the grid so to speak, then why document every second of it for social media??? To me that seems like faking a personality/lifestyle for views and to stroke their egos. Those people are always the most toxic you can find. If you are a spritiual person yourself and you try to enter any form of community its always those permanently online "free spirited" people who talk down on everyone and start drama. There is for example one couple in my country who do youtube, they are people who claim to be extremely spritiual, on a "journey to healing" and has moved out to nowhere to live off the grid. Yet they spend all their time in social media to document it to youtube, the guy ignores his kids and let his woman do all the work when highly pregnant with the second kid because he was busy sitting on the cliff wearing a dress to meditate like 15 minutes, the rest of the day he spends editing videos... He has a past of domestic abuse and isnt allowed to see his kids from the first girlfriend but has changed his name multiple times. They delete all negative comments on their videos and try to hide the truth. He seems exactly like the type who fantasies about being a cult leader aka scamming vunerable women into some sex cult in the name of spiritual healing. I hate these types of people.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • ospry

    Makes me think of American expats who "lived in" a foreign country, but in reality they were living in a gated community meant to resemble suburban life back in the states as closely as possible

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  • LloydAsher

    Those arent the true ones. The true ones you never hear about because they are doing their own god damn thing by themselves.

    Anyone who documents their life like that is either chronic narcissist, or they are trying to sell you something.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    It's very hypocritical, but then again we are all hypocrites in some way. XD

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    • LloydAsher

      Pretty much the human experience there.

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  • kelili

    People who live like because they want to do not spend their time filming it. But people who need validation do and dont forget that youtube can be a way to make money and maybe it's how they make their living.

    I have a friend who lives like this and he had a little house in the middle of the woods, no electricity and no attachment to anything. Well, I met him several weeks ago and he told me that he's going to build another house because his cousin is now living in his. He has decided to just look for another place to leave. He believes that right now the cousin needs the house more than him. It's unbelievable how detached some people are.

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  • profanity

    Yes, they are.

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