Is it normal to think this about religion?
I'm a christian ok? So save your comments that "god will judge you" and "Your going to hell". I don't give a sh*t about that.. I think that religion has cause WAY more damage than goods for humanity. It's another excuse for us to hate each other. And with just a little fact like, abstinence policy, carries SO MANY problems. Think about this: If you are against of getting people be informed and have easy access to anticonceptives methods, you have overpopulation, and that comes with: aborts, children in the streets, people starving to death, lack of resources... I think you get the point. As for me, I would be throwing free condoms in the streets. I'm in college, and the university gives you all the free condoms you want, that's the way it should be, cause, honestly, people WILL NOT stop f*cking.