Is it normal to think you inherited something bad or perhaps evil?
So if you don't know what I'm about to talk about, read and vote on this post first: it normal -256465
OK so apparently my parents are "toxic" or whatever and they tease me verbally and stuff and sometimes saying I will develop schizophrenia as bad as my birth mother. They say I'm following the same behavior pattern as her when she was growing up. It's not my fault, it's a dominant gene that easily passes down in the family from my ex- (dead) grandfathers side of the family. My ex-grandfather committed suicide (hanged), my birth mother ended up in jail, and my birth father is running away from murderers who constantly keep following him.
Is it normal to think I will have a fate as bad as theirs if I have a super high chance of inheriting schizophrenia (the Bad Luck Disease as I call it)?