Is it normal to trip out on laughing gas?

I had laughing gas before my wisdom tooth extraction. i was on it for what felt like 40 minutes but my family said it was only 10 minutes witch i find impossible to believe. The surgeon kept repeating words like a loop. i hallucinated demonic things. i saw floating skulls chomping at my face. its hard to explian, but i was like an lsd trip. absolutely horrifying. it was so bad i had ptsd for 3 months. i couldnt sleep in the dark without having a mental breakdown, i couldnt eat or drink, i went to the hospital because i had an over the top breakdown from this.

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53% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • westoptic

    Sounds like an adverse effect; one not normally felt and not typical of the medication. If you ever have to have laughing gas for a procedure again, tell the doctor about this reaction and they can probably give you something else.

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  • G(d

    You don't like LSD?
    It's one of my favorite drugs.

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  • G(d

    Yeah, it's normal. That shit fucks you up.

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  • noid

    I had it once as a child. I didn't hallucinate but I didn't like how I felt. Certainly not the good feelings others have experienced with it. I think it has different effects on different people. After that I always asked not to be given any.

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