Is it normal to use a fake freelancer to double your salary?

I overestimated my time on a bunch of projects, then asked a friend to pretend to freelance for me. Then I worked on those freelance projects on my telecommute days, on company time. My friend gets 15% even though he didn't do any work and the project looks good on his resume.

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0% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • wigz

    Sounds like a great idea until your boss realizes that freelancer dude you hired does great work and decides to fire you and hire him. Then you end up freelancing for your friend because he doesn't know what he's doing but he only pays you half of what you were making while he still does nothing. Sounds like a fucking sitcom plot, honestly.

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  • Kevinevan

    Similar but slightly different to this guy:

    It didn't mention what they did to this guy after he was found out tho.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Sounds like fraud.

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