Is it normal to use different accents/dialects????

I moved to the US from England 9 years ago when I was 10. I talk with an English accent with my family but an American one with my friends at school, etc. Is this normal? I want to switch back to my English accent permanently but that would seem strange. Opinions? Help? Experiences?

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84% Normal
Based on 83 votes (70 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Americans tend to prefer the English accent. They find it more proper. I think the reason you do it is to fit in. It seems you switch to your natural accent at home because that is what you are use to. So if you want to become English all a sudden go ahead and do it. You might actually make a few fans for it actually american girls eat that up.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Yep everyone does it

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  • fletcherkydude

    im fromm south east US... when im with family i sound southern... everyone else, i sound like im from Louisville(which is pretty much like not even having an accent)

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  • InsertBlankHere

    I've found myself absorbing other people's accents sometimes.
    On a long vacation in Australia, I was hanging out withthese Irish guys a lot, and I would find myself subconsciously pronouncing some words as they did. It was kind of freaky how quickly my brain adapted.

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  • mprocida

    I have what people have called a mix between a Boston and broklyn accent and I am from westchester, ny

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  • georgienne

    I do the same, I'm English in Canada. I take up the accent that I'm around, so if I'm here I dull it down, if I'm home I go back to normal.

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  • aoi2108

    Normal. I'm bilingual and studying linguistics at the moment :)
    Although you only switch accents, I suppose it's as if you switched languages. Your brain adapts to the situation...

    I think it would be hard to forcedly try and talk only in one accent. I know I can't seriously talk to my parents in my other language (even though all of us can speak it), it's unnatural.

    Of course if you want to talk with an English accent full-time, it not impossible, but you might as well realise that don't feel comfortable with it and/or that you constantly have to think about the way you talk.

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  • squirrelgirl

    I think it's normal. My sister's children were born and raised in England but around us they talk with American accents. I imagine that when they're at school in England they talk with English accents.

    You should switch to your English accent full-time. We Americans adore people who talk with an English accent.

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  • Oli

    Yes, it wouldn't be weird. My sister has an accent, (even though we've lived in America our entire lives), and she uses an American accent, only because people will understand her. In fact, oddly enough, when I was younger, I used to have a Boston accent. (Never been there.)

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