Is it normal to use gay sex as a gateway to becoming straight?

I am pretty much asexual right now but I really wish to be straight so that I could have a relationship. I can much more easily picture having sex with the same sex than with the opposite sex so I'm wondering if I start gay and work my way up to become straight

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Comments ( 31 )
  • cupcake_wants

    I don't think it works like that. If u start one way, u will probably get used to it. Follow what u know that u r. Maybe u ARE gay. If u r, u should embrace it bcuz it's YOU. If that is the case, u could talk to other gay people about how hard it is for u to accept being gay. Why do u want to be straight over being gay? Your religious upbringing?

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    • not religious but yeah they would probably disapprove of me being gay and I dont want those waves in life

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      • cupcake_wants

        U r most likely gay. But that is OK. Talk to other gay people about this for support and advice.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    Looool sherlock Holmes out here has solved low sex drives! Everyone should do this OMG!

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    • ya, a lot of asexual people can just put up with sex cause they want a relationship

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        I was being sarcastic. Your being fucking retarded

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        • You seem upset

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            Yes at the stupidity in your post

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            • It was mainly a joke, although it's not that farfetch'd. Aces can be pretty good at faking sex, it's not that difficult to play along. Most women have to do that anyway. I just think gay sex is easier to pull off than straight sex. So I'll use it for practice getting comfo with the real thing

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  • bbrown95

    I think I'm at the very least borderline asexual, if not already there (when I've asked about if I was, I've had mixed responses). I am attracted to men (I'm a woman), but have absolutely no sex drive at all (and I think it's due to being on the pill, which I unfortunately need for health reasons or I will be in a lot of pain otherwise, but I'm not 100% sure). I don't want sex and am very uncomfortable with the idea of it.

    Personally, I wouldn't be more comfortable with having sex with one sex over the other. I'd actually be less comfortable with having sex with another woman. But, the idea of sex, period, terrifies me.

    If you aren't attracted to either sex, then I'm really not sure. However, I wouldn't force it if you're not comfortable with it. There's nothing wrong with just being who you are. If you'd really like to enter a relationship though, you could try exploring what you like and seeing if anything does it for you.

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    • Ellenna

      Why would the contraceptive pill make you asexual? I've never heard of that before.

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      • bbrown95

        Not sure, but I've been told it's a common side effect.

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  • LornaMae

    HAHAHAHA Most fucked up logic I've ever seen. Long live sophistry!!!

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    • Lol at least I learned a new word. Sophistry is fun

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      • bigbudchonga

        You would have thrived well in Ancient Rome, good sir.

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        • LornaMae

          What if "he" is a "good lady"? Where do say she would have thrived?

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          • bigbudchonga

            Idk, asexuals are pretty chased so maybe as a nun?

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            • LornaMae

              Hahahaha good idea, although there are lots of active lesbians in convents!!

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      • LornaMae

        You're welcome! :)

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  • private3

    The more you do a particular activity, the more it will feel normal with you. It's the same with sex. If you start having gay sex you're more likely to become gay than straight.

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    • Exactly! Although I don't want to become gay, I don't think of it as a real relationship or even real sex. hence the logic of the post. Fake sex -> real sex (hetero). sorry to any legit homo's out there but it's just my opinion

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      • Ellenna

        You're a self hating gay man, stop fooling yourself, accept who you are and turn your brain on, because it's not working logically

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        • im actually a self hating lesbian with a low sex drive wishing I was a Bisexual man so I posted in a manly or gender ambiguous way

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      • NoLifer

        I'm sorry to tell you but having a ton of gay sex does not equal a striaght person. It means you probably very gay.

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  • Joniemason

    I like men and women but right now my man want fuck me

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  • NormalAdventure

    Having sex is not a prerequisite for having a relationship (even though Jenny might not agree). You can also have sex without having a relationship.

    But hey... experiment. Try whatever you like, and get back to us with the results and teach your new found wisdom.

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  • bigbudchonga

    That's the logical and rational way to do it for sure.

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