Is it normal to use the floor mat of a kid on my dorm floor as a urinal?

When I was a freshman in college there was a kid on my floor that nobody liked. He was a complete asshole and thought that he was better than the rest of us because he was in a particular fraternity. Anyway, this kid would always talk shit about the rest of us on the floor. (He also thought he was a complete stud even though his girlfriend was average-looking at best.)

So he was gone one weekend and then on a Friday afternoon someone took the floor mat sitting in the hallway right in front of his door and placed it underneath the toilet bowl in the men's room (there were no urinals as the floor had previously been a women's floor). So for the next two days everyone pissed all over the floor mat when they took a leak.

By the time Sunday evening had arrived, the entire men's room reeked of the smell of urine. I also heard that the kid whose mat was pissed on was not happy about what happened to his floor mat.

Is it normal to piss all over someone's floor mat?

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29% Normal
Based on 65 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • drugsrbadmkay

    You're a bully.

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  • hi

    This story gave me the laughs, and the ews. It's not that nice to pee on someone's bed.

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  • BayVerlyHayles

    When I was in college and if someone did that to me? They wouldn't have anything to piss with.

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  • Joel2622

    Piss on me you can pretend I was the mean boy.

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  • com999


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  • MRmr

    You should use the kid as the urinal

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    ITS NOT NORMAL(just funny as hell)

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  • Avant-Garde

    They did it because he was a jerk. If he wasn't like that, then they probably wouldn't have done it. I think it's really gross and disrespects his property. Hopefully, he learned his lesson, though.

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    • Rick_Bawls

      He totally deserved it. The next Monday I walked past the bathroom on my way to the water fountain and heard that guy talking to the janitor. The janitor asked if he wanted his rug back and he replied that he did not because everyone had peed on it. It was all I could do to make it back to my dorm room without bursting out laughing!

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