Is it normal to wake up exhauasted every single morning?

For the last month or so I have been waking up so exhauted even though I sleep at decent hours. All my body parts would ache and feel sore. And it's really annoying because it stops me from getting to do my necessary duties.

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40% Normal
Based on 15 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Short4Words

    See a doctor.

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  • palepunk

    Maybe you need a new mattress!

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  • Nokiot9

    You might be sleeping, but not actually sleeping. Ur brain needs a minimum of 4 hours of REM a night. You start to see breakdowns in behavior and ability to process information and yeah, heavy fatigue. Sleep deprivation is no joke. You CAN actually die from it. I'm guessing you are falling asleep, just not deeply enough. They'll do a sleep study most likely if they don't just blindly prescribe u some sleep aids

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  • NathanScott

    Folklore has it that some demons come into your bed at night and have sex with you while your asleep.Naturaly you wake up the next morning feeling exhausted.

    Hope i've helped.

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  • Aries

    I do not wake up sore but I never really wake up energetic no matter when I got to bed . I would also say to visit your doctor and see what they think , some simple tests could target the problem and identify the solution . It could be a vitamin deficiency or something normal but its better to get looked at in case the symptoms are a role in something more cause for concern .

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