Is it normal to wake up one day and realize you threw your life away on games?

I'm 40. I've been playing computer games since I was about 8, when my dad got one of the first PCs. Aside from the fact that I make interactive simulations for a living, I don't see the benefit of all that time spent on computer games. I'm divorced, my job sucks and I have no friends. I also have drinking problem.

Voting Results
71% Normal
Based on 28 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Koda

    You've hit on something bigger than yourself here I'm afraid. Entertainment can be a great distraction from pain, but distractions become a waste of time when they distract you from living.

    There is way too much time and money spent on things that let us escape life these days. There are so many opportunities for people to take the easy way out, and most people are weak, so they do. It seems we've advanced in technology only to regress societally and stagnate in our individual lives.

    We've made living (or not living) too easy. There's no perspective anymore. There's no big picture. We live in a superficial context in which everything we idealize and prioritize is irrelevant. But fortunately for you, it's never too late to realize what you've just realized and to change your life for the better. Live. You're an amazing, capable being. Appreciate yourself and your potential. It's your responsibility now upon accepting this fact to nurture that potential and let it grow into something that could matter for the future.

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  • Redcoats

    Nah. Zelda all the way.

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  • nematoadblue24

    Voted normal but more-so common and unhealthy..

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  • GoldenNightmare

    Im a anti-social person so my life pretty much is playing games for a living

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  • thegypsysailor

    40 ain't the end of your life. Now that you see the problem, it shouldn't be too hard to remedy the situation.
    Perhaps you could become a motivational speaker and save all those nerdy game players out there from the same fate?

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  • heckleBucker

    It's comfortable inside your cacoon. I would say that you have had a life of comfort. Not a bad accomplishment.

    You can always watch TV news for a window to the world.

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