Is it normal to want a refund for crappy entertaiment at son's wedding?
My son had his idiot friend come do a comedy routine at his wedding. He and his new wife had another friend making anime wedding favors.I thought they weren't dressed up enough for the wedding. You should see their atrocious table manners and they took two PLATES OF FOOD A PIECE! I took their cake off them.So I screamed at them and let them know what no class hicks they are.everyone seemed to think I was drunk and I got asked to leave early.
Update 2: I wouldn't have went of on them if they had been less white trash and not have smelled strongly of weed. The worst part is my grandma won 600 bucks on a bet that I would get kicked out of my son's wedding.
Workers should not be allowed to eat wedding food. My ex husband gave them their food and cake back,which is so unfair.