Is it normal to want to always light anything on fire or explode something?

I have a big problem. I explode things, and light stuff on fire A LOT!!!!!! It gives me an adrenaline rush! It's a hobby I'm addicted to, and needs to stop. I've accidentally gotten injuries and have almost killed myself. Should I stop the madness, or be safer?

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43% Normal
Based on 70 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • shade_ilmaendu

    Totally normal to be a pyro, but.. You should exercise more caution if you've seriously almost died. It's possible to have all kinds of fun with fire, but don't forget fire and explosives kill. Treat this hobby with respect to the dangers and you'll be alright.

    Ps. Try bonfires if you don't usually. Its fun to get s big blaze going and just throw shit in to burn :)

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  • destiny_20

    I think you know just by submitting this story that this kind of behaviour is of concern.

    I imagine you possibly hold the view that it is all in fun and only affecting yourself atm. If left unchecked however, your obsession with fire could spiral out of control and begin to harm others.

    I would advise you see a councellor, who will be able to assist you in successfully dealing with this problem.

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  • wandertraveler

    Total pyro tendencies there, my friend.

    My suggestion?
    Indulge safely. Ever hear of poi? Fire staff? It's a kickass hobby. If you can keep it in check, you can still enjoy fire, but in a way anyone watching you can enjoy (and be jealous of!)

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  • amberinboston

    You're what they call a pyromaniac. Its a urge to set things on fire...just please control it, so you don't do anything hurtful or illegal. Seek help of a therapist if you need to.

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Pyromania isn't a disorder, it's an interest and a hobby.

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  • ComboBreaker

    When I was young my mum would give me a box of matchs and send me into the garden to play. Not once did I burn my self. If you're going to blow stuff up and set things on fire. The least you can do is make sure you do it right. Depending on the chemicle or substence you're useing. You might want to bring safty equipment e.g. damp towel, water, dirt or sand. Also if you're setting fire to plastics, if you breath in the smoke it can damage you. Alot of plastics give off toxic smoke. Wear a face mask, even in a well ventalated area or outside. You realy shouldnt do it anymore though. Because of your past sillyness, new sillyness is bound to happen. Reason I stoped is because theres a first time for everything. Stop it, if you want to keep the feeling, just light candles and watch the flame. Also I aggre with mtnw, you're not addicted, you just enjoy it. Normal.

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  • mtnw

    yes, if you are too inexperienced or stupid do anything without injuring yourself, then stop by all means.

    once you've caused injury or damage to someone else or their property, don't think because you are a child that you won't have to pay for the damage you cause.

    more than likely your experience with anything consists of cartoons and games, neither which are real.

    also, you aren't addicted to it. you choose to use extreme words such as addiction because you somehow want to put the blame on your bad behavior somewhere besides yourself.

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    • Dickydeeps

      You'll have to be a bit careful here my friend. Setting light to things is OK, but if you're getting an adrenaline rush from it then it could be a symptom of something more sinister. Pyromania comes to mind. Just be careful, and if you want to burn something, do it in your own property and let the rest of us lead a peaceful life. Good luck.

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