Is it normal to want to be beaten sometimes?

I want to be beaten sometimes, but only with blunt things like hands and sticks, and not on the face or head (too much risk of visible and brain damage). I don't care much for being hit in the soft torso, so limbs, neck, back and ribs would be best.

I was watching the scene of the Passion of the Christ a while ago, and thought while they beat him with sticks, how perfect it might be if I could be beaten like that, and how good it might feel for me.

No sacrilege intended. I wasn't really interested in being whipped, however, and definitely not with the pronged ones that they used on him.

When I'm stressed, angry or anxious, I have to resist the urge to lash out, destroy objects, and smack myself hard on the head 3-6 times with a fist, as used to be my custom before the mild headaches and risk on brain damage began to worry me more.

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 22 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Eagle_Kenevle

    Well i have a similar fantasy as you do but don't try to act on it on your own by yourself. You could get a partner (with your consent) to do it for you if it relieves you, but don't make it too violent to the point of permanent damage

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Masiochism. Seen it.

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  • dimwitted


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  • RoseIsabella

    Maybe start working out instead. Take a yoga class instead.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      And if health is a concern don't do powerlifting.

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