Is it normal to want to get rid of your dog?
This thing is just too needy, its got to go!
But how?
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This thing is just too needy, its got to go!
But how?
Make sure it goes to a good home its not fair to the animal to drop it off at a shelter where it will probly be killed.
how old is your kittie if you don't mind me asking, and is he a bluepoint, i think i asked before but you didn't answer
Andrew is a 9 year old blue point Siamese, and as far as I'm concerned an enormous blessing sent to me directly from God! There's nothing sweeter to me than the unconditional love and companionship that comes from a faithful pet. Ideally I prefer to have a dog and a cat, but a dog-like cat is an amazingly awesome gift from God and the Universe.
i've heard maine coons are very dog like, you can even walk them. u should get one of them
Yes, I can confirm that. I had a Maine Coon that was fiercely loyal to me, provided that I purred for her just after she used her scratching post. She understood a surprising amount the the sign language I would use with her. Man, I miss her. CHF did her in.
Yeah, but Maine Coons really love going outdoors, I not much into the whole mouser thing. I love the Siamese temperament, and he's more of an indoor cat. He basically just follows me everywhere. He has a leash and a harness as well as as a stroller. The stroller is actually designed for small dogs of 30 lbs and under. I've stuck both my Siamese and my sister's poodle in the stroller together just for fun before. My cat is probably more obedient than a lot of dogs, in fact he's lying at my feet right now. Siamese cats are also lap cats in addition to being intelligent and athletic. When Andrew was little he would always want to play fetch for what seemed like almost forever.
I gave my dog to this Chinese man, he's my neighbor. He said he loved dog and said that the Chinese have a festival in honor of dogs during the summer solstice. So I think its finally going to make some people happy.
"Todays dogs are nothing but pampered sponges that soak up money, love and affection from people..." Sounds alot like a human baby doesn't it? By that logic children are also parasites who leech off of their parents for 18 years.
"On a stupid animal" Yeah, I guess service dogs, rescue dogs, and police dogs are pretty stupid, it's not like their risking their lives saving people, making the country safer or helping disabled people such as diabetics or blind people live their lives easier :)
Even family dogs aren't stupid. They "earn their keep" by emotionally bonding with the family and generally improving their health. Did you know having a dog around lessens the risk of a heart attack?
YOU are the parasite actually. I would NEVER hurt my dogs. They are wonderful.