Is it normal to want to leave your parent's home and be independent?...

For years I've been feeling depressed, and confused. I felt alone, sad and depressed...
It just occurred to me that moving out is the best thing I'll do for myself. I mean I feel like, it's time for me to leave them for my growth. It just feels like I'm so dependent and I can't explore and I feel like I'm holding back in life, i want to feel independence and freedom, and live my life...

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94% Normal
Based on 63 votes (59 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • I have lived by myself, with partners, with friends, and with parents as an adult, and I can safely say that there was absolutely no difference in my lifestyle, feelings or behaviour in any of those settings.

    I'm a womanising, drug abusing, narcissistic, ill tempered bastard, who does the exact same things no matter where I live.

    It's all a means to an end my friend.

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  • college

    If you're at an appropriate age and you have the means to do it, I say go for it!

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  • soul777

    is this supposed to be a motivational post?

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  • elenaki

    It's nice to live on your own. I wanted to move out since I was 16 and then my wish finally got granted this past September. I wouldn't go back now, but sometimes I can't help but wish I had someone to take care of me.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    It's not as easy as it was say ten years ago.

    With the economy crashing the way it is at the moment a lot of people are losing their jobs and having to move back in with their parents anyway.

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  • White_October

    Yes, you shouldn't stay with your parents forever. At a certain moment you just need a place of your own.

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  • Aub

    The point of living with your parents is so that they can raise you and get you the hell out of their house so you can become independent.

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  • zxc

    I feel that too but i have no where to go i want to be a adult so quickly the kid life sucks.

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  • Abend_zersetzen_mich

    I would hope it's normal!

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