Is it normal to wear sunglasses for the purpose of avoiding eye contact?
I'm a sociable person yet I'm also very irritable when it comes to certain behavior. For example, I thoroughly hate the following: bodily contact with others (such as handshaking and inadvertent arm brushing), being in close vicinity to passerby in public, and being aligned with others so they're in my peripheral. When these events occur I must concentrate on breathing to quell the anger I feel or I grind my teeth and get pissy. Therefore whenever I'm traveling, I keep my distance from others by crossing the street when approached or slightly walking further left or right depending on the location of the person approaching me.
However, making eye contact with people, whether deliberate or by accident is unbearable and I feel a surge of anger and adrenaline whenever people look at me or in my direction. To combat this, I've begun wearing sunglasses that block my peripheral and make it easier to avoid looking at a person without drawing attention. Is this behavior normal?