Is it normal to weed at work if you work from home?

So my job is basically phones all day, and I started working at home during Covid. One of the perks of working from home is I can smoke weed all day. It doesn't seem to hurt my performance...quite the opposite actually, and it makes the day go by faster. I basically toke up in between calls and it really makes the day so much more bearable. Anyone else do this? Is this normal?

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50% Normal
Based on 10 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • litelander8

    Totally normal.

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    It's normal. Smoke up.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Lots of people in customer service, and technical support smoke weed.

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  • jethro

    Do you actually get people to buy the warranty for their car?

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    • Yes, which is very strange since I don't work for them.

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  • EnglishLad

    I've never smoked weed so I can't comment on how it affects job performance or whatever, but honestly if smoking weed is something you often do in your free time then I'm not gonna judge you harshly for carrying that over into your work life, especially if you feel it helps you.

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  • idolomantis

    Lol this is normal. Weed affects everyone differently. If this is just a light, mild high that you go for then just do your thing. As long as you’re not flat out stoned and you have good work performance then I don’t see any issue.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    Weed is for losers

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    • What about meth? That's pretty cool, right?

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